- Aug 19, 2012
- 1,144
- Tinnitus Since
- 29/06/2012 worsened Jan 2017 & Dec 2017
- Cause of Tinnitus
- Noise exposure
hi Louise
I know it sounds daft - like fighting an elephant with a feather... but
have you tried eliminating any foods to see if they're making the T worse or even just keeping it at the same level?
I ate something with sodium nitrate in it the other day (something I don't usually eat!) & my T went from a whisper to an almighty scream. It's spiked before with tea but this one really made me think.
If there are foods that contain stuff that aggravate it then perhaps eliminating all foods containing the aggravators will bring the volume of the T right down?
Perhaps eating them every day keeps it going - feeds the T?
I suppose I didn't think about it much before because salt / stress etc. doesn't have an effect on mine although MSG did - or so I thought. I had a really stressful day earlier this week - T stayed nice and low.. no stress at all today and it's hissing more loudly.
It's really hard to figure out what does aggravate it tho.
Seems that spinach, lettuce, mung beans all contain loads of nitrates. Carrots are high in it too. I eat loads of all of these. Maybe my meal which also had carrots made the nitrate level really high. Organic versions contain slightly less but still there. Boiling your water increases the nitrates. Nitrates are a confirmed link with migraines (& migraines are in the same place as my T).
Yesterday I reduced my amount of nitrate intake & it hasn't worked because it's louder today. But I'm suspecting the fact that I boiled mineral water this morning to make cappaccino. I did this because volvic has a lower level of nitrates than tap water.. but I have no idea how much boiling increases the nitrate level.
Of course it could be a different mineral that made mine spike. I'm now suspecting calcium.. because I once took calcium tablets and they made my head totally foggy...
and then again.. this may all be as effective as waving a feather![]()
Hi Click,
No I havent tried anything diet related really. Mainly because my T is through noise damage so excluding foods I've always eaten and that never previously caused a problem doesnt seem a likely solution. Although having said that my ears are different now, excitotoxicity and oxidative damage and all that. So its quite feasible that something would affect them adversely now that previously didnt bother them.
The T doesnt go up and down either like you might expect if you'd irritated it by foods, it goes worse, and then worse and then worse. No back-sliding with my T

My head is swirling with all the research on things that might help and I dont feel able to make sense of much at the moment. I will look into Glutamate & Nitrates at some point soon though.