This is a comedy-travel show I am watching on Netflix. Through season 1, really enjoying it, very funny but...
The episode where Karl goes to Mexico they make him go to an easter parade of sorts where they are setting off firecrackers right there on the street. Knowing what I know this just seems cruel. It was definitely a "dude, that's not funny" moment for me.
No other point to this thread really. Just posting about how something that was intended to be funny...isn't when you have tinnitus.
The episode where Karl goes to Mexico they make him go to an easter parade of sorts where they are setting off firecrackers right there on the street. Knowing what I know this just seems cruel. It was definitely a "dude, that's not funny" moment for me.
No other point to this thread really. Just posting about how something that was intended to be funny...isn't when you have tinnitus.