Impedance Audiometry

Thanks Louise - how did they do the test?

I've heard that it shows whether the eustachian tubes are blocked.

I don't remember anything other than my consultant looking in my ears with a light and then doing a hearing test by putting headphones on me in a sound proof cubicle and playing 'sounds'.

I was pretty mixed up at the time but I'm sure I'd have remembered a probe forming an air type seal etc.
It was only a quick thing, he put in the tool (similar thing to the tool they use with the light on to look in your ear) and it sort of sucks out air I think. You can hardly feel it. It then measures the movement of the ear drum to make sure that's ok and that the middle ear is performing ok. I think he said it checks if there's any fluid build up that shouldnt be there. It's a very quick test. He told me what he was doing so that's why I remember it :)
Thanks Louise.

I had a friend with me when I went and she's also positive that I didn't have this done.

I better go and find myself a GP and get referred...

How's the oxygen therapy - is it helping at all?
Yes, you definitely should get this test done, to rule out that being a problem if nothing else. Its very quick and you cant really feel it at all.

No, the oxygen hasnt helped as yet. I am not doing it properly really, you have to do at least 15 on consecutive days and I've been missing some due to not feeling up to it :( The centre manager says that there was another lady who came for T and it helped her to the point where she could sleep again and she had T to years apparently.
I think you're brave just to have done one session Louise. Sorry you haven't felt the benefit. Seems we all just live in hope that something will make a huge difference.

Overall are you feeling less anxious now or is it just as bad?
Worse Click. I've proper gone downhill. I thought it was supposed to get better with time? I still cant believe its happened, keep thinking I will wake up from this nightmare.
I'm so sorry. Are you going to try hearing aids? Not sure if they take a while to be fitted/made but they might help?
Mine was screeching last night so I didn't get to sleep until 5.30am. I'm so sick of the days & nights being turned upside down. Mustn't complain though because it doesn't happen as much as it used to. x
I actually got some aids last Friday, made her give them to me (on NHS). The one for my worst ear (left) isnt set up right and there's too much tinny noise from it so I have pushed her to get me in next week to get them reset. I dont have much faith in her abilities actually, which is annoying. I've worn them though and so far no effect. Nothing is going to change I dont think other than the T getting worse (which it did last week, again). I feel really hopeless and dont know how I can live with it.
I know what you mean about being sick of it, I can empathise with that one completely. You do seem to be getting better though, more good days in a row? So, there is definitely hope for you, definitely. X
Hi Stelar, its just taken another turn for the worst 2 weeks ago and now I can hear it pretty much all the time. Like when the TV is on I can hear the TV and the T. In my friends car I can now hear it above the engine noise. The only places I dont hear it now is in somewhere like a restaurant full of people or a supermarket full of people. It seems to measure 37db which I know is not as high as some. Masking now has to be louder and of the purple/white noise variety not anything with highs and lows of sound, otherwise I can hear it in the lows too much.

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