In Loving Memory of Allan1967

Absolutely saddened by this news. I have cried my eyes out all day. I would regularly speak with Allan by private message and to be truthful I was avoiding logging on because I sent him a message a few weeks before Xmas and I did not get a reply.

Allan always replied to me within 24 hours and I just knew something was wrong. He was a gentle kind soul and I know he will be missed by all of the Tinnitus Talk community.

The sad news hit me like a steam train yesterday as I was at a coffee shop that I frequently attend. Ordered my drink and settled down to read my Kindle. Briefly checked my emails and hopped over to Tinnitus Talk and felt completely deflated.
Reading through Allan's recent posts makes this all the more upsetting. He hoped for some relief through the Lenire treatment, but still found himself dealing with catastrophic tinnitus. Those like myself who are noticing their tinnitus improving to a reasonably manageable level, probably have no more chance of understanding what that is like, than the average non-tinnitus sufferer can understand any of this. There must be some real solutions for this soon. It makes me feel much more respectful of those who rate their tinnitus as severe.
@Michael Leigh @Star64

I hope you both can find some comfort in knowing you did your absolute best during his darkest moments.

I'm sure he was very grateful to have you in his life. It's a big loss for all of us but it cuts deeper for people like you who got to know him better.

Thank you for your kind words @valeri. Allan's passing has affected me a lot because I got to know him quite well: on the forum, by Private Messenger and having conversations with him on the telephone. I am totally crestfallen.

AVIYT maybe you can make a video about this to raise awareness of the seriousness of tinnitus and hyperacusis.
"Normal people" will only think that they had other problems.

It is very difficult to raise awareness about something that people do not suffer from. None of my friends stopped going to concerts or nigthclubs since my tinnitus got worse. They just think it's something weird that happens to me. Maybe they are right, we are predisposed.
I am so saddened by this. I didn't know Allan personally but I can see from his posts that he has been suffering greatly from tinnitus. May he finally find lasting peace and quite! My condolences go out to his family and loved ones.
As others have already said, words just don't come close to explaining the loss we all feel. It's so deeply saddening and tragic. I heard about the news yesterday and it had such a profound effect on me that I just couldn't come close to explaining how it made me feel. I wish I could go back in time and try harder to reach out to him and to offer him more support. I can't help but feel some guilt that it's no longer an option.

Allan, you tried your best buddy and you did everything you could to try and get people to donate towards curative research. It was clearly something you felt very strongly about as I often saw you on Facebook asking others to join you by giving anything they could. You were a tinnitus hero in my eyes and a true advocate, even though you were suffering terribly.

I cannot imagine how his family and friends must be feeling, so I send my condolences.

RIP Allan, I'll never forget you.

This thread is a great testimony to how valued and cherished you were - and indeed will continue to be - within our community. Such an ineffable tragedy that really focuses the awareness on how brutal, isolating, unforgiving and overwhelming this condition is for so many, so often.

Bless you for showing strength, wit, courage and compassion in such torturous circumstances. I wish more could have been done to help you and to help all others here suffering. My thoughts and condolences are with you and your family.

Rest well and may you finally find peace and silence.
Rest in Peace @Allan1967.

My condolences to his family and friends.

I never had a conversation with him but I knew he was struggling. Before @Markku created this thread, he stated in another thread that someone had passed away, in my mind I said "please it can't be Allan". When he created this thread I started to cry when I found out it was him.

I just hope one day everyone will treat the damage of noise seriously and we can change the stigma of tinnitus that loudness does matter and not everyone can habituate. I just know it will happen one day but I just don't know when.

When a cure does eventually come out for tinnitus I will remember you Allan.

I will pray for your family and friends that they will get through in this difficult time.

I hope you are happy and enjoying time in heaven.

This is too close to home :'(
Well said mate.
What can I say, I have not checked Tinnitus Talk in a while and today, when I do, I see yet another member who (most likely) killed himself. I write this down as a crime in the third millennium committed by the indifference of people in the health INDUSTRY.

How many researchers are looking for a treatment right now? Why only a few? Shall I contribute with some money? If finding a treatment depends on my money... what can I tell you.

I feel so sorry!

I saw his picture and he IS such a nice man, I hope he still is somewhere.

Thinking about his children...

I would like to send them a hug and to encourage them to go on. What can we say, as fellow tinnitus sufferers, to them, that other people cannot, for they do not know? That he wanted/needed peace and rest and silence and this was the only way to get it. That he is resting now, unfortunately the only method he was left with has separated him from the people he loved and who love(d) him. For a while.

My respect!
AVIYT maybe you can make a video about this to raise awareness of the seriousness of tinnitus and hyperacusis.
I actually have made a video about it, but then realized it'd be silly to publish without having all details confirmed in respect to Allan's family. I may release a partial video, or videos on other confirmed deaths in relation to tinnitus and/or hyperacusis in order to raise awareness for this horrific condition. I find that even though my channel is not about tinnitus, I'm one of the few channels on the entirety of YouTube discussing this topic for more than just 1 video and not posting binaural beats/tinnitus sound videos as that's like half of the videos currently being released.

The other half is divided by scam videos promoting herbals that won't work, random Chinese/Indian videos about "cures" that don't exist, charlatan videos, etc. and some actually good advice videos and/or vlogs about tinnitus. Unfortunately the good vlogs have usually fewer than 1,000 views (most average less than 100!) and this shows that many people either don't care or are unaware. I do believe firmly that many people would care more if they knew more in-depth about this condition.

I had a few people reach out to me and say they had tinnitus, we discussed thanks to my videos on it and I know many more people will learn about it.

As much as I hate this... I know that if I don't post a video about a few deaths from tinnitus, it's likely no other channel will for quite some time besides a news channel from time to time but that's EXTREMELY rare. I've researched into some well known deaths from tinnitus and realized some have never been reported on. The public MUST know that this condition, if severe enough, can kill in order to raise more empathy. Many think it's mild and not an issue.

But I'm a severe sufferer myself, and I know how disabling this can be. It can seep into your entire life and ruin everything bit by bit.
Couldn't believe what I saw when I logged in.

Severe tinnitus is no joke. I've only experienced loud tinnitus the first day I got it, I can't imagine how it must feel to live with this agonizing condition constantly 24/7.

My heart goes out to everyone here and Allan's family for having to endure something this heart-wrenching.

R.I.P Allan. Hope you have found peace at last.
Rest easy Allan. This is such sad news. I know he was growing increasingly desperate from his last few posts...

I am so deeply saddened and will be making a contribution in honour of Allan.

My sincere sympathies to his family and friends.
@Michael Leigh @Star64

I hope you both can find some comfort in knowing you did your absolute best during his darkest moments.

I'm sure he was very grateful to have you in his life. It's a big loss for all of us but it cuts deeper for people like you who got to know him better.

Thank you Valeri, I was blessed to have got to know Allan through our private chats, he was a very special person, the world has lost a true gentleman.

This should not have happened, more needs to be done to raise awareness that tinnitus and hyperacusis are serious conditions and that they both need to be treated with the respect they deserve.

I am sick of the medical community treating them like they are trivial conditions.
Dear Allan,

Maybe we have exchanged a few kind words on one of the Tinnitus Talk support threads. You look exactly as kind and as generous as I have imagined you from reading your posts in the last 5 months. It makes me cry how good and strong a person you were, despite the difficulties in life you were going through :cry:

It feels like you're omnipotent, it feels like you're still around us. I'm happy that you no longer have to go through many bad things, like tinnitus and insomnia.

I will sincerely pray for you and your family, because I can relate to your health problems so much that it breaks my heart. :banghead: :thankyousign: :(

Till the last moments of your life, you were so strong and courageous and that's how you're going to be remembered by everybody. Life's worth fighting for, and you are a great example for that. I know that you're in a much better place now.

Good Bye,
As a Tinnitus Support site it is absolutely crucial that the differences in severity are recognised and accepted as such.
We must not continue arguing amongst ourselves about whether TRT, CBT, Meditation, and counselling are the complete answer.

Clearly they are not, though they may offer some measure of support.
('A problem shared' etc...)

Such arguments seriously dilute this community's demand for an effective treatment and cure.

Dear Allan deserved a real treatment for this hateful condition - at its most severe - the very worst condition known to man.

He deserved so much better.

We all do.

Love to everybody,
Dave x
The only thing I can think of over and over after reading this is SOMEONE PLEASE HELP US.

I feel the medical community is of little to zero solutions for us. Another life lost.

So sad.
I didn't know Allan but felt so much for him whenever he'd post about his spikes. Seeing this news breaks my heart and made me cry.

I completely understand how desperate this horrible condition can make someone feel.

I pray that real treatments come soon because it is desperately needed.

No one should have to endure what Allan went through and what his family is going through now.
I am sorry Allan... I lost already somebody due to very severe tinnitus. I know how it feels... and I am also in this situation...

Hope you enjoy your new life in Heaven.
When will governments start to invest in research! This fucking disease can destroy whole families!
It truly is horrific to read this. Allan seemed a very disturbed and troubled man.

In fact, when I was meeting Neuromod for my second visit, I met one of the forum members here in the meeting room and we discussed Allan and how he seemed to be one of the patients that had the worst troubles from tinnitus.

Rest in peace.

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