@Michael Leigh, question, what is the evidence for low volume noise-cancelling headphones causing issues?
I attend this forum to help people that are having difficultly coping with tinnitus, specifically when it is noise induced, with or without hyperacusis, because I have lived with it for many years. Fortunately I am no longer affected by hyperacusis as it was cured over twenty years ago using white noise generators as part of TRT.
Over the years I have corresponded and counselled people affected by tinnitus and hyperacusis. Their experiences have helped me to gain more knowledge and understanding of what typically makes these conditions worse. It is further exposure to loud noise or listening to audio even at low volume through any type of headphones including noise cancelling, earbuds and headsets.
I have always said that my advice is for guidance and is not absolute. Please type headphones in the search box at the top of this page and read posts from members that have used headphones including noise cancelling and regretted it because their tinnitus has increased. It is mostly people that have noise induced tinnitus that are at risk of their tinnitus getting worse, if they return to using headphones.
If the volume is low, and given an equal safe dB level coming from a speaker vs a headphone, what would be the harm to the auditory system?
Please be aware after a person habituates to noise induced tinnitus, there is no such thing as a safe dB level when using headphones. A person can make a good recovery after a noise trauma but should keep in mind the auditory system has been compromised and is never quite the same as it once was. I have explained this in many of my articles on noise induced tinnitus that are available of my started threads. Please click on the links below and read my posts.
Or are you just referring to possible exacerbation of tinnitus itself and not harm to hearing?
If a person's tinnitus becomes worse due to further exposure to loud noise or headphone use, I believe the auditory system is affected to some degree. I prefer not to use the word harm.
After my second noise trauma my tinnitus changed drastically and became variable with large fluctuations in intensity. From complete silence, mild, moderate, severe and very severe. It took 4 years to habituate for the second time. Fourteen years has passed and it's still variable and at times problematic but much easier to live with.
I wish you well,
Will My Tinnitus Get Worse? | Tinnitus Talk Support Forum
Can I Habituate to Variable Tinnitus? | Tinnitus Talk Support Forum