Increasing Trend of More Noises Showing Up? And Body Position While Asleep...


Jun 25, 2017
Tinnitus Since
March 2017
Cause of Tinnitus
I am new to the forum, which I have been reading since my T started almost three months ago. The forum has provided much help, particularly given the lack of information from the medical community, so thanks for that!. I am writing to seek some knowledge on what it´s going on...

Quick facts about my case:

Precedents, in case they are related (not sure):Chronic sinusitis with nasal polyps, which were removed in surgery in 2011, now they are slowly growing back, yet still breathing on my nose. Also palindromic rheumatism since 2008, a sort of mild artritis that comes and goes within two days in random joints. I understand this is an autoimmune disease. I also have some mild mixed sleep apnea, not treated.

Tinnitus: very high pitch started in mid March, both sides, subjective. Mild volume, although high enough to hear it above everything but the shower. Causes? not sure and have different hypothesis. Running with high volume in earphones, nasal rinsing with some issues in my ear a couple of days before, or even an antimalarial drug I took 10 days before. The other theory is high stress I had at work from September 2016 to early March 2017....or all together. I went to ENT and Neurologist. Conducted brain MRI and all well.

The case is that since it started, I did quite a few changes in my lifestyle, stop caffeine, start the typical supplements, but on early May a second tone started. This is lower pitch in my right ear and comes only when I lay down. It is non pulsatitve. A couple of weeks ago, a third tone started in my left ear. This is all day long but still soft. I have the feeling it is increasing by the week.

I have two questions:

1) My worry is not so much on the noise itself, since I think I can get used to, but on this increasing trend that more noises are showing up every three weeks... feels like if the cause of tinnitus were still there damaging my inner ears little by little. Any similar experiences on gradual increase of number of tones-volume, despite avoiding causes? doest this stabilize at some point?

2) The second question is about sudden awakens in the middle of the night with super high noise of my Ts. This is happening every single day since my second noise started. Did not happen at all before that day. I learned that if I sleep with my head in a higher position (more pillows), I still get up in the middle of the night, but with lower volume. One could think it is the apneas, but I don´t wake up out of breath...just wake up normally. Second ENT is trying some muscular relaxers before sleeping, but not sure they are working. Any experiences with this higher T volumes during awakenings in the night?

Thank you

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