My morning are always the worst ,I seriously feel like I woke up from a car accident or a bat to to the head.
Absolutely blasting away , i would last a week if it were constantly like this
Yeah, T is such a mystery, with so many etiologies! I know people whose T is almost zero in the morning and ramps up during the day.
Mine is the worst when I wake up, like in your case, reason for which for many years (yes, years) I was flying from being asleep into a full blown panic attack upon waking in a matter of seconds. I called the ambulance for those panic attacks many times, that's how bad they were. I don't even want to remember the symptoms...the heart was starting to race in 2 seconds maximum and was getting to huge pulse rates (pulse rate confirmed very high by the device the medical assistants were having with them) my breathing was getting out of sync...hyperventilation, uneven breathing, extreme horror...
All my life i was used to pass in the mornings from nightmares (in the rare occasion when i was having them) to a quick "happy end" ("oh, it was just a dream, phew") after getting T it became vice-versa (passing from the peace of being asleep into resuming the nightmare of a life with loud T in just a few seconds). Now I got used to waking up with very loud T, I don't panic anymore. T hasn't changed but my heart doesn't start to pound hard anymore, I breath normally. I guess this is as far as I got with "habituation". Loud T in the morning became "old news", nothing unusual to react to.
For a while I was thinking that I have "head exploding syndrome", just like you.
Any "tips"?
In my case I have to change the position of the head upon waking up, to not have any ear against the pillow, which makes the T unbearable.
Maybe our T is the loudest in the mornings because the blood pressuse builds up in the head during the night?
Anyway, getting up and standing, instead of laying down helps. Going to another room. Turning on the music...For years the only "solution" for my nightmarish thoughts and feelings that I was having after waking up was to eat a lot. I do NOT recommend that. I was smoking a lot too, which I do NOT recommend either.
Having no tricks to tell you, I wrote this post just to tell you that you are not the only one waking up to extremely loud T. May not comfort you much, I know.
I think the only "tricks" I know is to stand up, and turn on the music or the TV and make contact with normal life.
I know, my "tricks" suck. Just like having loud T sucks.
Sorry I can't give you any better ones.
Just jump out of bed and start your day, with the music or the TV on. You will hear calm, normal people, who do not have T, and that helps in making the shift to a normal life, like we used to have before getting T.
Maybe Valsalva helps you because your problem is from the middle ear pressure which is equalized when swallowing and yawning and chewing, and you don't do those as much during the sleep?
Did you try sleeping on a high pillow, to see if the blood pressure in the head is a factor?
Or on an ergonomic pillow, to insure the best posture for blood flow and relaxed muscles and cervical spine?
BTW, the Trobalt didn't help you with "the waking up phase" at all?