Internal Noise... So Confused

Do you think Telis can obtain the same results as you have? With respect to his current condtidion?

His current condition? I don't know what @Telis's condition is. I mean I sort of know his symptoms, but that's the extent of it. It's like saying will Telis get the same results from treating is back pain as I did when my back pain was treated. There are a whole lot of variables involved, no? Best I can tell he's seen an ENT, he's seen an audiologist, and he's been to a workshop - but he really has not been properly worked-up, he does not have a diagnosis, and he does not have a treatment plan.

Dr. Stephen Nagler
Well from what I understand and I realize I may not know what I'm talking about...the ear canal acts as an escape route for internal noise. If that route is blocked, the noise bounces back at the ear drum. If I wear ear muffs the noise/vibrations can escape the ear canal. This seems fairly simple, maybe I am missing something. I'm not sure how this doesn't make any difference clinically in terms of auditory damage.

Sure we are talking here about a difference in terms of dB, Telis, but the difference is clinically negligible - nowhere near enough of a difference to be reflected in potential auditory damage.

One other thing. Earlier you said that you are not afraid of pain. Afraid of pain or not, the last thing you need is pain. Who the hell wants pain?

Dr. Stephen Nagler

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