Some of you might have noticed that I had kind of disappeared from the forum for a long time, but I had a good reason. They say if you're going to write a book, to write about what you know. Well, I know tinnitus.

My original intent was to write a short book. However, I'm a researcher by nature and that intent soon bit the dust, especially regarding treatments. I gathered info from many sources, including what I learned on Tinnitus Talk. For example, two chapters are devoted to the Back to Silence method developed by @I who love music. (For those who like to dive deep, the Bibliography is a treasure trove of research material worth exploring.)
There was an initial period of five days during which I offered the eBook for free, to celebrate the launch. Thanks to the over 2,000 people who downloaded the eBook!
You can get the book on Amazon US or UK:
The book is also available on other Amazon sites, including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Spain.
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