Introducing myself and asking for advice

I have been to a chiro, and the second adjustment it actually got all better, but the third time it went really bad. Pain got unbearable. Its slightly better now, but please, think about it twice before doing neck adjustments as your doctor might be right. At least that is my experience.
Thanks for the info. not sure what to do. I guess everybody feel the same. stay strong keep intouch
Dorsal Cochlear Nucleus (DCN) plays a key role in somatosensory tinnitus. The latest research is discovering that more and more, for example this from Susan Shore: In a way DCN 'combines' input from our ears and muscles, which the brain then puts together as a sensation of sound. For example the position of the head is quite important to determine the direction of the sound. Movement of the jaw also creates internal sounds inside the head, which are filtered out in the brain and so on.

I started out my T journey in a very same way to you @Sjtof with a 'detective attitude' to crack the mystery of my T. :) If you read my posts here about TENS machine, tVNS vagus nerve stimultation, DIY brain hacking etc you'll see what I mean. However, lately I have been less interested to puruse these, which I think is a part of the habituation process. I will surely follow your progress. :)
Sounds interesting. Must admit though that I've had the same experience. It got better after a treatment with my osteopat, for like 2 weeks or so I didn't notice it througout the day. However after the next treatment it got worse, but she told me she might have pushed it too much and it's different from person to person who can take more and react differently. She treated my neck back then and my jaw. Last time she told me she did not dare to manipulate my 1st cervical of the neck because she thought it might give me a negative reaction again. But according to her things aren't not quiet as they should be up there. I also had a lot of sore muscles in my neck and jaw back then. The strange thing I keep noticing is that when I wake up in stay in bed, the sound is completely different. Not only a lower pitch and way more bearable, but also like different. I now keep hearing this rustle through my head and when I went to bed last nite it was a painful sound which according to my experience just doesn't seem to come from my ears. For the sake I'm gonna watch a movie now while staying in the same position , as people might say:"it is because you just woke up and then your auditory system is in rest mode or something like that". Well I assume I'll need it to wake up in order to hear the movie :D. Anyways investigation will continue and btw for those who can't relax or get anxiety attack. Benzos do really work and are definitely worth trying, at least that's my experience..

Hi there guys,

Just a quick update about how I'm doing as of now.

In the meantime I had some up and downs. I went to see another ENT which prescribed me a MRI, which I'm still not sure if I'm going to do that. I also had some further treatments with my osteopat. These treatments happend to increase the T so much for a few days each time that I am quit sure that it is because of the neck trauma I suffered from the bench presses.

I experienced some symptoms which clearly ground this. I had a lot of sore muscles in my neck, together with headaches, mostly somewhere around the back of my head, with the sharp pains I already mentioned before and sometimes I had like an electric shock going through the back of my head which shortly increased the t for a few secs. All in all I think it's clear that its coming from my neck.

One day after a treatment it hurt so bad that I had to go to the first aid in order to get some muscle relaxers,,diazepam in this case. I know they are very addicted but I only got a few. I used them a few times and I noticed that it would decrease my T. Anyways I don't take them daily, only whenever my neck hurts real bad.

Last week I went to my osteopat and she told me my 1st cervical vertebra is stuck. On the right side she managed to crack it without too much force, however the left side is a different story. She will deal with this the next time, as I didnt want her to force it too much because I got exams next week. It's also the ear were I hear the rustle and can feel it sparkle through my jaw. Also my ears pop a lot when I move my neck.

The good news is(however I do not wan to celebrate too fast, because karma is a bitch). The sound has decreased enormously. I do not mask it anymore since a few days, actually since the last treatment. The sound doesn't bother me anymore and I really hope that after a few more treatments that I can post my story in the "succes stories" area and help people who suffer from he same type of symptoms as I did/do. Cheers

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