So I've had T for two months now, and when it started there was a sucking sound in my right ear and then it started ringing. My Doctor told me it was ETD because ears would crackle when I swallow. I visited an ENT who said it wasn't because he couldn't detect any pressure. After that visit my left ear started ringing and then it started making a cracking sound when I try to pop it. I also do running for cross country which makes T noticeable in my left ear every hard step I take. Also after running I opened my jaw all the way and the right side hurt a lot for about a minute and then went away. My neck was also stiff. I've heard this can either be poor circulation or TMJ. I've also had an MRI and they couldn't detect anything. I also have some dizziness but it's not bad and doesn't really react to anything unless I turn my head to the right or left very far. Also my ringing increased for sitting in a car for too long but then went down after about a week. I seem to get a little bit dizzy when looking at moving objects against a background. When I took a day off from cross country my ringing felt better