Is It More Likely for Tinnitus to Go Away If You're Young?


May 4, 2018
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
As the title says, is there a bigger chance of tinnitus going away if you are young. I am only 15 years old and I don't want to live the rest of my life with tinnitus.
Being young is a great thing but tinnitus doesn't care about age. Once it's here it can either slowly fade away, maybe go away or just stay and possibly get louder. Being young can be helpful for coping and adapting to the tinnitus and possible habituation. Since you are young, you also have to do more to protect your ears and try to avoid stress as much as possible.

Stay away from loud places/people. Avoid negative people and try to live your life, tinnitus does not stop us from living...
As the title says, is there a bigger chance of tinnitus going away if you are young. I am only 15 years old and I don't want to live the rest of my life with tinnitus.

I agree with everything @fishbone has said so please follow his advice. If your tinnitus was caused by loud noise/sounds, then I advise you not to use headphones again even at low volume as there's a risk of the tinnitus becoming louder.

@m4gnus I was about 12-15(can't remember exactly) years old when I first got very mild tinnitus, I told the doctor about it and did audiogram test which was great.
Then, I forgot about it after a week or it has gone and did not notice him anymore except for noisy parties. My real tinnitus begun when I was 27, because stress/drugs.

So my advice to you, first visit doctor, second forget about it much as you can, third always resist stress, fourth avoid noise, fifth NEVER take any psychiatric/street drugs.
Being young can be helpful for coping and adapting to the tinnitus and possible habituation. Since you are youn
Yes true , but I don't know why . But I feel if I was older and retired, feel this this would have bothered me less and would habituated to it already. May be am wrong but my feelings.
Yes true , but I don't know why . But I feel if I was older and retired, feel this this would have bothered me less and would habituated to it already. May be am wrong but my feelings.
That's because it's MUCH harder if you're younger. Having had a long lifetime of silence is much better than having to live with this until the day we die, with the large possability of it getting worse and the guarantee that we will develop new tones. It's much harder to get tinnitus at a young age trust me.
Yes true , but I don't know why . But I feel if I was older and retired, feel this this would have bothered me less and would habituated to it already. May be am wrong but my feelings.

It doesn't really matter whether one is young or an older person of retirement age, because it depends on how severe the tinnitus is, and the make-up/personality of the person. People of retirement age have called me on the telephone in tears because the tinnitus is so loud and intrusive as well as people that are a lot younger.

Yes true , but I don't know why . But I feel if I was older and retired, feel this this would have bothered me less and would habituated to it already. May be am wrong but my feelings.

The problem with being retired, is that most will just relax and not be as active (some, not all). The key with tinnitus is a good diet+support+Time+Relaxation/Distraction. All of these elements are crucial to living a good/quality life with tinnitus. I been at this for 30 years and I can tell you that all of this makes a huge difference. I have empathy for many newcomers and even vets here that suffer. I was in their/your shoes and I know just how bad it feels. We feel helpless and hopeless at times.

I was one of YOU guys before. My advice is solid and it works, it all depends on who wants to take it or not. I come here to support this board and as i always say "If I can help and change one person's life, then my job is done :)"

Even in negative afflictions, BREED POSITIVITY. This is a mindset, that pays off big results down the line...
The problem with being retired, is that most will just relax and not be as active (some, not all). The key with tinnitus is a good diet+support+Time+Relaxation/Distraction. All of these elements are crucial to living a good/quality life with tinnitus. I been at this for 30 years and I can tell you that all of this makes a huge difference. I have empathy for many newcomers and even vets here that suffer. I was in their/your shoes and I know just how bad it feels. We feel helpless and hopeless at times.

I was one of YOU guys before. My advice is solid and it works, it all depends on who wants to take it or not. I come here to support this board and as i always say "If I can help and change one person's life, then my job is done :)"

Even in negative afflictions, BREED POSITIVITY. This is a mindset that pays off big results down the line...
Did your tinnitus disappear?
Did your tinnitus disappear?
No. My tinnitus is at it's worst stages. I can stand on the side of the freeway and my tinnitus is louder and just horrible. My mentality towards, tinnitus has changed quite a bit. I'd give anything to have that low hiss/tone again. I manage and I am grateful with what I have and I move on and live my life to the fullest :)
@m4gnus ,
Tinnitus can go away as fast as it came or it could come and go or stay only time will tell.
Make sure you sleep well and get support at school if it becomes problematic.
Emotions can be up and down so if you do find your mood low then have a chat with your doctor.
It is really early days for you so stay positive and keep posting for support.
Love glynis

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