I have the evil hum/drone...since 2014. 24/7, none stop... loud. If I cover my ears with my hands it stops. If I have other low humming appliances running in the background it stops....I hear it indoors and outdoors equally.
So, you think that cutting the tensor tympani may stop the humming?
Any idea what caused it? Did it come upon suddenly, and come and go and then moved to more 24/7?
Mine was somehow triggered from intense crying/sadness after my grandfather died. Happened the morning after, awoke to it slightly there. It stopped then I used new earplugs called Decibulz, took them out after a few minutes and it was raging.
It's triggered from driving (only hear it when I turn car off after driving), laying on the bad ear, laying down for hours in general, and I believe stress/being upset. I've noticed my other ear also started doing weird spasms, but different and not as frequent, combined with spasms in random areas of my body since this started.
I also feel inside the ear, a deep tightening sensation and even slight soreness associated with this condition.
This to me, suggest some type of nerve issue that is triggering this condition. I don't know how or why its possible, but it seems to be the only thing.
I felt most of September and start of October I would get half a day without it, but it's recently been worse, and I can't even go to bed without it being 100% gone. I had some huge stress and family problems prior to my progress being lost, so I'm certain it's contributing.
My mental health is horrible, and in turn I think (outside physically activating by laying on the ear or vibration of a car drive) it's causing some type of constant loop.
Lightly talking stops it, lightly shaking the head. External noise like tapping something stops it until the second I stop.
Clearly it's mechanical, but the mechanical aspect isn't the root cause I think, perhaps it's the nerves nearby and my mental state that has caused this constant feedback loop of stress-->nerve activates spasms--->stressed and upset about spasms because it's so uncomfortable-->stress and so on.
Or perhaps, its bruised. I've always had sensitive ears and ETD issues. Perhaps the intense crying and sobbing which I've never done like that before, bruised something in the ear and activated the muscle to constantly wind up.
It's hard to know. I refuse to do surgery, as these muscles are supposedly important, dampens loud sounds, your chewing. Some have said cutting both won't cause a problem but I'm too scared. I have bad T and H from noise, how can I chance an invasive surgery which would make the T/H worse.
Every night I pray and wish that this will be the last day. To just give me another year without it before starting again.
I don't know why it stops sometimes, but I do know rubbing the ear/jaw will activate it, wearing earplugs makes it worse, getting upset makes it worse, driving (the vibration) and similar type of things that create intense low frequency rumbling if it's loud can aggravate it.