Cure or 100% working treatment = not able to hear tinnitus if paying attention to it.
Nice, helpful treatment = a noticeable difference in the volume/tones before treatment vs. after treatment, but one can still hear the noise, albeit less than before.
I don't consider habituation cure. I will never habituate to tinnitus so much so that it wouldn't bother me from time to time. The noise reminds me of its perpetual existing usually daily, but most of the time I quickly dismiss it and go on. If I'm otherwise stressed or tired, then it of course has a bigger impact, which further doesn't help things.
Last night was weird. I went to bed, put my right ear against the pillow, I like sleeping on the right side, and just right then the tinnitus in the right ear EXPLODED. It really EXPLODED. Ok, I've experienced "fleeting tinnitus" before, and quite often, like once a week or so, where the high-pitched ringing suddenly becomes quite very loud but that only lasts for 10-30 seconds and then it goes back to the previous level.
This time, however, the very high volume ringing lasted for a couple of minutes, which is unheard of in my case, and also it was accompanied by other changing sounds. Hmm, would I describe those other sounds like tapping glass with a fork.
Guess what my first thought was, when I noticed the new sounds? Well I didn't go into panic mode, as I think I expected it to return to normal, but I had the thought that if it was this high level with these extra sounds all the time, there would be no frigging way to cope.
Fleeting tinnitus always reminds me of how the volume of it can really differ between persons. One might have mild tinnitus that many everyday activities mask and thus might be easier to habituate to, but another could be having the sort of mega tinnitus I experienced last night.
I would like to know the reason for this phenomenon. I've read this happens to many, but why does it happen? Is something going awry in the physical ear, or is the brain malfunctioning (more than usual, heh) for a short while?
Usually when the fleeting tinnitus happens,
I silently hope that the brain is trying to remove the noise and would first cause it to aggravate and then make it disappear completely. Wouldn't
THAT be nice! But no, it's so damned stubborn wanting to return to the baseline level.
Of course the above is my wishful thinking. My pessimistic side tells me that the brain sometimes tries to amplify it even more and maybe eventually ends up being successful in its quest - causing a permanent increase, with new tones...
Nothing new here, tinnitus has a mind of its own.