@fishbone I noticed you said that you refuse to wear hearing aids. Just curious if you have tried any. Hearing aid technology has improved considerably over the last 20 years, even the last few years there have been advances. For individuals with significant loss, there are now aids that are fit in your ear canal by an audiologist and stay in place for months. Kind of like a semi-permanent aid. No one would have any idea that you even have them.
Many people have tinnitus lessen with hearing aids — and with that much loss it's possible you would benefit.
I do not care what other people think, too, which is why I am considering getting a hearing aid. Thanks in advance, always like to hear your perspective!
I have cic(completely In Canal) hearing aids and i use them at times just for their built-in pink noise. These hearing aids don't fully help me, when it comes to hearing. The sounds kinda feel distorted and the clarity is not all that impressive. I cannot use them to talk on the phone and understand what is being said. I have had very poor hearing from age 20. It's nothing that I am proud of, but also I am not ashamed of it either. With these poor ears I went to university, had a great relationship for 6-7 years and made friends.
As I posted in
https://www.tinnitustalk.com/threads/always-stand-your-ground.22972/ , we need to do what makes US feel comfortable. We need to take care of ourselves and not worry about what others think. In my martial arts class, when I see the teacher getting punching/boxing bags, I instantly bring out an ear plug for the left ear (almost deaf ear).
In the past 4-6 years I have eliminated lots of negative, loud people from my life. These people do not appreciate that I have intrusive tinnitus, horrible hearing loss. I am in the process of eliminating this one lady from my life as well. She wants to always sing karaoke and I kinda put up with it, for quite a few years. I always felt uncomfortable, when we sang karaoke. Now, I have come to the point that I do not want to do this anymore. Yes, I lose another social scene. Yes, If i don't make up for that loss, I can face depression.
That's ok, I rather feel comfortable than just do what others want to do, because of needing acceptance. I never seek acceptance from anyone. You either like me or you don't. I never followed anyone, I either lead or walk solo.
My posts are always about being positive and loving ourselves and doing what is best for us. Hearing loss can be horrible, but I can pick many horrible ordeals from my One-of-a-kind life and experience and I faced them all and I overcame them.
PS-I will go back to my audiologist soon and see what he can recommend. I live my life whether I can hear or not. Whether I have intrusive/HELL tinnitus or not. We simply live and move forward and SMILE