Does surgery have any risks? Why not do it?I've had tinnitus and TTTS for about 7 weeks now. The TTTS is painful and my ear flutters in response to some percussive sounds.
The zygomatic maneuver that I posted elsewhere gives me temporary relief. Does TTTS tend to improve over time or is surgery the only answer?
TTTS tend to improve over time or is surgery the only answer?
Does surgery have any risks? Why not do it?
Hi @COYS -- I have severe tinnitus, hyperacusis, and reactive tinnitus, all of which have stayed pretty constant since onset in Feb. 2018. I also had TTTS at onset, but it dimnished over the following months, and eventually went away. I'm now waiting for the tinnitus and hyperacusis to do the same. -- BTW, I believe my TTTS went away because of my DMSO/Magnesium Oil regimen.'d love to heaR any success stories of TTTS going away