So I had mostly tonal and whistling tinnitus back in late december. Years before when I tried a certain medication or used an electric razor near my ear one time I got a different kind of tinnitus kind of like a mechanical spinning top sound but then later it seemed to go away. Well, back in December I got my hearing aids amplified a lot with the noise reduction feature off. I went down the highway really fast and rolled down the window. It was one of the loudest sounds I have ever heard. I immediately rolled up the window. I would say I heard it for about 7-10 seconds. After that I got a sound that sounds like a certain kind of static and later I heard the "spinning top" sound again. The new sound is also heard by interrupting my hearing aid maskers. Before only the whistling sound did. Now it is early May and the sound is still there. Is it possible this aggravated part of my tinnitus that was kind of low and I couldn't hear it? If it is aggravation, will it go away? If it has lasted this long what is the chances it will stay?