- Dec 18, 2017
- 2
- Tinnitus Since
- As long as I remember
- Cause of Tinnitus
- Unknown
Hello, this is my first post on this website so sorry for my nieve-ety
I'm not sure I have tinnitus, actually I created this account primarily for this reason. I haven't spoken to anyone about this.
My age range is under 18, that's all I will say about my age. I have been exposed to loud sounds ever since I was small, as my dad is a DJ and I would frequently go with him to gigs.
Now, I always used the appropriate ear protection, so I wouldn't think this is an issue.
This is what I don't understand. I've been told tinnitus is a ringing noise, and after extensive reasearch, have found out that all people that have tinnitus experience it between 5k -12k hertz and it is a noise which comes sometimes and goes others.
My tinnitus is different. It is always there, 24/7. If I concentrate on it, it can get unbearable loud, and I mean Like really loud, but if I give my ears like a shock or some sort (like turn the volume up on my headphones loud for a few seconds) it seems to calm down. Another thing is it's around 17 khertz. I compared it to a tone gen app on my iPad (I can hear up to 18k hertz).
As far as I can remember I've always had this. I remember thinking as a little child (I had experienced loud noises before this age) 'what's that high noise, I wonder if it's a spaceship'.
Is this tinnitus? I'm not sure. Please help.
Many Thanks
I'm not sure I have tinnitus, actually I created this account primarily for this reason. I haven't spoken to anyone about this.
My age range is under 18, that's all I will say about my age. I have been exposed to loud sounds ever since I was small, as my dad is a DJ and I would frequently go with him to gigs.
Now, I always used the appropriate ear protection, so I wouldn't think this is an issue.
This is what I don't understand. I've been told tinnitus is a ringing noise, and after extensive reasearch, have found out that all people that have tinnitus experience it between 5k -12k hertz and it is a noise which comes sometimes and goes others.
My tinnitus is different. It is always there, 24/7. If I concentrate on it, it can get unbearable loud, and I mean Like really loud, but if I give my ears like a shock or some sort (like turn the volume up on my headphones loud for a few seconds) it seems to calm down. Another thing is it's around 17 khertz. I compared it to a tone gen app on my iPad (I can hear up to 18k hertz).
As far as I can remember I've always had this. I remember thinking as a little child (I had experienced loud noises before this age) 'what's that high noise, I wonder if it's a spaceship'.
Is this tinnitus? I'm not sure. Please help.
Many Thanks