"It Could Take a Decade or More, but It's a Possibility"

As a personal T sufferer I can truly witness how the last months the T shifted from ears towards mid brain.
But believing that it will stay there forever hmmm I would doubt it.

Had since friday until today 5 cortisone infusions and even after some months into T it lowered my T volume significantly!

So hope there is, hope for a drug which causes relief I would say at best is very reasonable
As a personal T sufferer I can truly witness how the last months the T shifted from ears towards mid brain.
But believing that it will stay there forever hmmm I would doubt it.

Had since friday until today 5 cortisone infusions and even after some months into T it lowered my T volume significantly!

So hope there is, hope for a drug which causes relief I would say at best is very reasonable

Hi Robb, I've had my T for about a month and I also noticed it shift from my right ear to my brain. Weirdest thing. I have been thinking that it's too late to do anything about it.
Don`t be fooled by the brain thinking that because you hear it in the brain it moved from the ear to the brain in the way that scientist talk about Tinnitus moving to the brain... in the end everything happens in the brain. The images you see you see through the brain, the food you taste you taste in the brain. it is just an experience that you perceive tinnitus in the brain. I too hear it inside the head though I don`t know if this is the exact spot where it comes from. Don`t make too much conclusions about this stuff that it is all down the drain now, just have faith that something will come up and mean time do whatever you can (ENT, mri, AM-101 ... ) and relax ...
Don`t be fooled by the brain thinking that because you hear it in the brain it moved from the ear to the brain in the way that scientist talk about Tinnitus moving to the brain... in the end everything happens in the brain. The images you see you see through the brain, the food you taste you taste in the brain. it is just an experience that you perceive tinnitus in the brain. I too hear it inside the head though I don`t know if this is the exact spot where it comes from. Don`t make too much conclusions about this stuff that it is all down the drain now, just have faith that something will come up and mean time do whatever you can (ENT, mri, AM-101 ... ) and relax ...
Yeah, my tinnitus hasn't changed since I got it a year ago. And I'm supposed to believe it's migrating around?

Proof that some researchers and doctors will say anything to get put in a journal. It's disrespectful to other researchers who are actively looking into how it works to be presumptuous and say things are true when you yourself don't know.
Yeah, my tinnitus hasn't changed since I got it a year ago. And I'm supposed to believe it's migrating around?

Proof that some researchers and doctors will say anything to get put in a journal. It's disrespectful to other researchers who are actively looking into how it works to be presumptuous and say things are true when you yourself don't know.

I think that some research shows that chronic and acute tinnitus are different - in chronic tinnitus more parts o the brain are involved. I dont think it means that the ringing has gotten/will get worse or that it cant be cured. Its simply harder to discover the causal link there and therefore find a treatment. Also I ont think its said to get into a journal, its a step forward and because of that treatments like rTMS are being worked out. Look around in the research forum, there is topic about it.
Stefan Heller is the at the leading edge of hail cell regeneration, seems a long way to go. I need to discuss the issues Heller mentioned with Prof. Zhengyi from Harvard


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Don`t be fooled by the brain thinking that because you hear it in the brain it moved from the ear to the brain in the way that scientist talk about Tinnitus moving to the brain... in the end everything happens in the brain. The images you see you see through the brain, the food you taste you taste in the brain. it is just an experience that you perceive tinnitus in the brain. I too hear it inside the head though I don`t know if this is the exact spot where it comes from. Don`t make too much conclusions about this stuff that it is all down the drain now, just have faith that something will come up and mean time do whatever you can (ENT, mri, AM-101 ... ) and relax ...

Yep. Could not agree more completely. Thanks, Nills, for saying it so well.
Somehow I consciously decided to force the tinnitus to stay in my ears and not let it 'migrate' inside my heard. I could feel it wanting to move a month or two after it started and I said very clearly 'no' to it. Don't know quite how I did this but it is probably the only 'success' I have had with it so far (at least it felt like a success...)
Sorry, actually what I meant to say was that the sound has become deeper and maybe a little louder, and moved from one side to both sides. It started as white noise in my right ear, and now its a deep tone in both ears, and really does sound like it's moved into my head. I was just wondering if Cortisone could correct this for me.
I think cortisone helps with inflammation so it releases pressure where there is to much blood flowing. I suspect the effect of cortisone is only temporarily and cortisone is n`t something you can keep taking because it messes up your hormone balance and also lowers your immunity and resistance to diseases. I had to take pills when I went to the ENT two years after my T started. It somewhat lowered the volume to a being acceptable but after stopping the pills eveything went back to normal.
Sorry, actually what I meant to say was that the sound has become deeper and maybe a little louder, and moved from one side to both sides. It started as white noise in my right ear, and now its a deep tone in both ears, and really does sound like it's moved into my head. I was just wondering if Cortisone could correct this for me.

Pain also "moves around" in the means that you can a problem in the knee but you will actually feel it around them. Probably nothing serious and nothing you can do about it. Just relax and have a beer;)
Cures are always 5 or 6 years away. I remember a cure for baldness was 5 or 6 years away in the 80s. The research is always great and exciting. Its the implementation that nearly always fails. The human body and especially the brain is just too damned complicated that our best intended interventions lead to unforseen complications. Acceptance and habituation may be the onlyreal answer to our predicament.
Cures are always 5 or 6 years away. I remember a cure for baldness was 5 or 6 years away in the 80s. The research is always great and exciting. Its the implementation that nearly always fails. The human body and especially the brain is just too damned complicated that our best intended interventions lead to unforseen complications. Acceptance and habituation may be the onlyreal answer to our predicament.

I'm sorry, but I disagree. Baldness cannot be cured, but today with hair transplant you can easily solve the problem. The same can be applied to many other physical problems, one day most likely with tinnitus as well. Then of course, 5 or 6 years is a very short period of time for this kind of scientific discoveries, but in 20-30 years from now something will surely come up, if not to cure, at least to improve our condition.
A hair transplant is not a cure for baldness any more than masking is a cure for tinnitus.

If you consider hair transplant a mask, every organ transplant can be considered a mask and not a cure. After all if you transplant kidneys you are not curing the ones you have, but you're simply getting a "new" one.
I think we're getting away from the point. Unless you believe in cochlear transplants. Modern medicine can cure very few of our chronic ailments. Every few years some new idea comes along which will provide the answer in 5 or 6 years. The latest is stem cells. I think 5 or 6 years has elapsed since I first heard of them wrt hearing loss. I think they are still talking 5 or 6 years until they can do anything for humans. Maybe allopathic medicine will never be able to cure tinnitus. Anyway it was only an observation. Hope and dream on. There's not much else to do.
mmmm there are people working on it.
we have the kyoto university working with hair cell restoration, in a 3 year project to find a medicine.
otonomy working on tinnitus, norvatis, auris medical, decibel therapeutics etc...

hearing and baldness is not the same, lol
There have been folks working on tinnitus for a long time. I don't really see any significant advances. Think we might have to disrupt the matrix to get any relief for us poor sods any time soon
There's more research going into tinnitus then there has ever been. So I'm quite confident that there will soon be a medication we can take that will lower the volume in our ears and head so we can better tolerate this awful condition in which we all live with.
I've got both kidneys and hair but I'd give them away if they took the T too. Maybe that's the cure! Removing kidneys and going bald.
"Cure" is such a strong word. Maybe there will be no cure for tinnitus, cancer, epilepsy or even for flu for the God's sake. How can you get something you could cure two times a year? Lol.

Maybe there will be no cure for tinnitus but we will get some efficient treatment soon. So fucking soon. Look at the power of potassium channels! They were never able to reduce T in the past decade. There are new things on their way.
In a galaxy far far away we can use a patients own stem cells to grow an entirely new cochlea in a lab then surgically implant the new organ. Of course that won't help me since I need a nerve so why am I wasting my time lol.
I love your attitude Beste. Maybe not a cure but how about relief that doesnt end up killing you you in five years.
Im ashamed of our government the trillions they through at the military complex and the paltry numbers they through at science. Its obvious the plutocrats love their violence- money guns and lawyers.
And then you get these money hungry pigs selling garbage like tinnitus cure online, I bet they make a lot of money, I mean when I first got my T it was like wow id do anything, take anything, believe anything to get rid of this noise and pain (I had extreme. extreme, extreme pain in my ears, could not talk for days because my own voice felt like hot metal bars poking into my ears). I never bought into of any of those "cures" because many sites said they werew fake and being in IT I know what these fake sites look like and how they operate.
But its sad that people can go that low to take advantage of people who suffer.
May they find a cure very very very soon!
I love your attitude Beste. Maybe not a cure but how about relief that doesnt end up killing you you in five years.
Im ashamed of our government the trillions they through at the military complex and the paltry numbers they through at science. Its obvious the plutocrats love their violence- money guns and lawyers.

Military complex > wars > blasts > hearing loss, tinnitus, hyperacusis > needs > research, development, market

huge rise of music festivals > likewise
Cures are always 5 or 6 years away. I remember a cure for baldness was 5 or 6 years away in the 80s. The research is always great and exciting. Its the implementation that nearly always fails. The human body and especially the brain is just too damned complicated that our best intended interventions lead to unforseen complications. Acceptance and habituation may be the onlyvreal answer to our predicament.

Baldness, Tinnitus, Chronic Pain Cancer, Alzheimer. The list goes on, it's always 5 years away. People grossly underestimate the complexity.

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