It's Been a Little Under Two Months Since Having This, No Official Diagnosis Yet


May 20, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
My tinnitus started on May 11 of this year, right out of the blue, though on that particular day I was more stressed then I'd ever been so I've been hoping that, it being possibly "stress related", it would go away quickly. It hasn't, and I fear at this point that I'm basically in this for the long haul.

I've been to two audiologists, and both have confirmed that my right ear is missing a pitch in the 3000hz range or some-such, basically just a small "notch". But prior to the day it started (it started after work, that morning I was as healthy as I was before) I never felt I was going "deaf" or anything. It sucks being both broke and uninsured since seeing an ENT is crucial at this point. I'm beginning to believe I might have meniere's disease, but I'm hoping it's just me being a hypochondriac.

Right now there's a vague pain/fullness in my right ear, a little less so in my left. I noticed at the gym yesterday that the music playing over the speakers accompanied a weird, fluctuating ringing in both ears. A squealing, up-and-down fluctuating ringing, sporadic and unpredictable but always more easily activated by any kind of high pitched, "grating" sound. Though there is basically no ringing in my left ear (if I plug my left ear), my right ear is the one that actually does feel damaged, and if I plug it I can hear a mid level ringing that is very easily activated by touch. I think of it as a little bell or cymbal that just sits in my ear now and rings/crashes along with any kind of sound or physical touch to my head. Chewing, touching my ear, scratching my head, etc, are things that activate the ringing sound. So does talking, and each syllable spoken has an "ing" accompanying it.

I'm just a broken record at this point. I've already relayed these symptoms in my previous posts. No ENT appointment yet means no confirmation of anything and/or the ability to move on and manage symptoms (or more hopefully, be cured entirely). I'm no longer sweating, freaking out, panicking and wishing to die because of this. But it's still just...there, all the time. Habituation is just a mature person's way of toughing it out. It's a way of bravely surrendering, with a little smile. Oh well.
I am sorry you're feeling so badly .. I understand what it is like to be so scared with new onset t. If it doesn't go away, no at the very least it is possible to live a long, normal and happy life with T. It is a condition like anything else and we have to learn to live with it . Once you stop focusing on it you will habituated to it and it won't bother you much. Took me about a year and a half to get there..
I am sorry you're feeling so badly .. I understand what it is like to be so scared with new onset t. If it doesn't go away, no at the very least it is possible to live a long, normal and happy life with T. It is a condition like anything else and we have to learn to live with it . Once you stop focusing on it you will habituated to it and it won't bother you much. Took me about a year and a half to get there..
*know :)

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