It's Not Anxiety Doctors


Sep 19, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Sigh. I'm tired of doctors telling me I have anxiety.

Why am I diagnosed with a condition that's so serious.

So, just some background information.

I've been back and forth between the hospital and urgent care. My heart pounds very loud and fast. My throat tightens up because it's not typical or normal behavior for me.

I went to the emergency and they automatically dismissed it as anxiety. They didn't ask if I ate anything or my background history. They were so useless that I had to do my own research.

Turns out coffee causes these "panic attacks". As soon as I took it out of my diet, I haven't had one since. I'm also allergic to shrimp, which causes the same sensation.

Of course my mom believed them. She sent me to a therapist for it when I don't have anxiety. I'm simply allergic to shrimp and intolerant to coffee.

My T no longer bothers me. I do get a but emotional at times but that's normal. I have a normal adult life with bills, job, and school. Doesn't stress me out. Now my doctors are giving all these bs pills and stuff.

How do I convince my mom and Doctor that I am not a worry wart nor do I have anxiety. It pisses me off when doctors dismiss my symptoms for a check.
My personal opinion do have anxiety and they are right. In fact the vast majority here have it and it maybe one of the leading contributors to tinnitus. So they are right and sorry to disagree with you. No doctor can say with any certainty what causes anxiety or tinnitus. They are both brain disorders and related as it turns out. Coffee is a stimulant and can promote anxiety. Anxiety is generally genetic and set off by environmental factors and anxiety can go off the rails when contracting something life altering like tinnitus. Most of us have been there. I drink a lot of coffee and honestly coffee doesn't affect my anxiety like it does many. In fact caffeine withdrawal creates greater anxiety in me. I can drink a cup of coffee and then take a nap. Many can't. The mind is a powerful or weak thing. If you believe it was coffee that caused your problem than you believe it even though it may not be true. But it is normal to have anxiety, even acute anxiety associated with tinnitus until it is learned it isn't a death sentence and each of us can live with T which lowers anxiety. Much synergy between anxiety and affecting the other.

Glad you are on a positive trajectory to feeling better.
I'm the exact same. Of course anxiety may exacerbate things and it certainly won't help matters but it's frustrating knowing that your physical symptoms are very real yet you are brushed off with 'it's all in your head, it's your anxiety'.

Especially with my parents as well I find it hard to express criticism of the doctors without people thinking I am one of those anti-medicine nutjobs like the ones who don't believe in vaccines haha.
I'm the exact same. Of course anxiety may exacerbate things and it certainly won't help matters but it's frustrating knowing that your physical symptoms are very real yet you are brushed off with 'it's all in your head, it's your anxiety'.

Especially with my parents as well I find it hard to express criticism of the doctors without people thinking I am one of those anti-medicine nutjobs like the ones who don't believe in vaccines haha.
Yes it is. I spent $100 to go to the emergency and all they tell me is that it's anxiety. What kind of bs. My heart already beats fast so coffee just makes it even worse. I do not have anxiety and my therapist even thinks so. She asked why I was even there. I'm a firm believer of anti vaccines and medicine. That's what messed up my cousin and many other people.
I'm the exact same. Of course anxiety may exacerbate things and it certainly won't help matters but it's frustrating knowing that your physical symptoms are very real yet you are brushed off with 'it's all in your head, it's your anxiety'.

Especially with my parents as well I find it hard to express criticism of the doctors without people thinking I am one of those anti-medicine nutjobs like the ones who don't believe in vaccines haha.
Just to be clear about a few things because I found what you wrote pretty ambiguous...

Anxiety isn't a choice. People cannot choose their state of mind. That's a myth. A paranoid schizophrenic can't make objective choices. Either can somebody with a bad concussion.
People's brain chemistry can get out of wack because of stress. This is in fact anxiety. Its a brain disorder and FWIW some can have it temporarily and some have it their whole lives.

Not sure we agree but the 'all in your head' reference is bogus because it suggests that people have a choice about how they feel and they don't. Anxiety isn't a choice and it can be treated and why it shouldn't be dismissed. I would say most here that struggle with their tinnitus...perhaps excepting extreme cases, struggle with anxiety and if their anxiety is treated, their 'perception' of tinnitus improves.

Btw, no idea what you meant about being a fan of medication or not. Medication helps many with their anxiety which in turn can improve their reaction to their tinnitus.

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