I've tried to live a normal life. I don't have family, just my mom, she really cant do much to help, and keeping up with freinds is hard now that I cant go out anymore. I feel so alone and just wish God would take my life soon. I've felt suicidal for so long, I feel I died on the inside when I was first diagnosed at 18, the person I would have been, happy, hard working, and successful died right at that moment. Ever since I've felt like a ghost of my former self. Im so afraid for my future, Im scared of suicide, I want to live, but not like this. Im sscared of where my soul will rest in eternity if I were to end my life. I know Jesus walked the earth, and that God does exist. Im trying to repent and put my faith in the Lord, it is the hardest test I have had to endure. Life itself is so hard to endure everyday now. I wanted a house of my own, a wife, kids, a dog, love, and now I just know that this will never allow me to be mentally stable or able to function properly, ever. I wont be able to or deserve to have a family, as broken as I am. I just dont know what to do anymore. I feel imprisioned in my own body. I regret my life and Im in a really dark place I cant get out of. I am being tested like never before and I no longer have the energy to continue. I cant focus on anything but the noise, I need help and dont know where to go.