Hi. I'm new to this forum.
I was diagnosed with tinnitus in 2000 after having a virus or tonsilitus I was left with a pulsing noise in my left ear, It's a lot like when you listen to a babies heart beat on a monitor when its in the womb. It's continuous the only time it stops or quietens down is when I press my neck on the left.
I was sent to ENT who told me what I was hearing was my heart rate and not to keep pressing my neck because I was cutting off the blood flow to my brain and I now have Tinnitus and there's no cure and nothing they can do about it apart from sending me to a group where I could sit in a circle and talk about it with others.
My response was.. 'Ok so you can't fix it and what good is talking going to do when I can't hear anyone over the noise? Plus I'm too busy I have 4 babies at home between 3 months and 5 yrs and one with severe special needs and disabilities, I do not have time to sit in a circle every week.' So he told me to just go home and learn to live with it.
My life was so busy I just learned to deal with it best I could... until a few years ago I noticed I was getting a lot of pressure in both ears, missing out on words completely during conversations on the phone or in person, getting sharp piercing whistles in both ears and rustling and crackling sometimes with pain, migraines double vision glared vision, tripping steps, catching doorways with my shoulders.. feeling dizzy and like I was drunk, but without the alcohol and needing to sleep for hours after. I ignored them and got on with life. Then I had over a month of nausea so bad I took a pregnancy test (even though I was unlikely I'd be pregnant). The car felt like it was moving when it was parked up, the patterns on walls and floors where giving me the sensation I was on a boat. One day I was sat in the garden with my brother and husband on either side they were talking and i was turning back and forth because I can't hear everything I try to read people lips.. suddenly my vision became distorted like I was looking through a kalidescope and I felt like I was on rollercoaster and was being pulled to the floor by my head.. I gripped the arms of the seat and slid back to stay in my chair.. I couldn't hear anything for the first time in over 10 years even the pulsing had disapeared. Then it stopped and I went to A+E , I couldn't hear very well everything was muffled, they sat me on a chair and lay me back lifted me up , I almost vomitted and was diagnosed with severe vertigo and tinnitus in both ears and a suggestion I had Menieres desease. Which the gp an ent and neurologist all confimed.
Again 'no cure.. I'm afriad you have to go home and learn to live with it.'
My world has become so very small now.. I used to be very sociable, but I rarely leave the house or have people visit, when I do go out I'm with family and enjoy nights out because I fit in well.. everyones drunk (except me but I look it sometimes lol) and no one can make out what anyone else is saying because of the music!
I try to find out any infomation I can online about tinnitus and menieres desease hoping I'll maybe come across something helpful, because the doctors and consultants have done nothing but give me pills for the sickness and betahystine hydrachloride pills for Menieres but they do nothing for it.
Hope the intro wasn't too long
, I look forward to getting to read your stories and know you all. 
I was diagnosed with tinnitus in 2000 after having a virus or tonsilitus I was left with a pulsing noise in my left ear, It's a lot like when you listen to a babies heart beat on a monitor when its in the womb. It's continuous the only time it stops or quietens down is when I press my neck on the left.
I was sent to ENT who told me what I was hearing was my heart rate and not to keep pressing my neck because I was cutting off the blood flow to my brain and I now have Tinnitus and there's no cure and nothing they can do about it apart from sending me to a group where I could sit in a circle and talk about it with others.
My response was.. 'Ok so you can't fix it and what good is talking going to do when I can't hear anyone over the noise? Plus I'm too busy I have 4 babies at home between 3 months and 5 yrs and one with severe special needs and disabilities, I do not have time to sit in a circle every week.' So he told me to just go home and learn to live with it.
My life was so busy I just learned to deal with it best I could... until a few years ago I noticed I was getting a lot of pressure in both ears, missing out on words completely during conversations on the phone or in person, getting sharp piercing whistles in both ears and rustling and crackling sometimes with pain, migraines double vision glared vision, tripping steps, catching doorways with my shoulders.. feeling dizzy and like I was drunk, but without the alcohol and needing to sleep for hours after. I ignored them and got on with life. Then I had over a month of nausea so bad I took a pregnancy test (even though I was unlikely I'd be pregnant). The car felt like it was moving when it was parked up, the patterns on walls and floors where giving me the sensation I was on a boat. One day I was sat in the garden with my brother and husband on either side they were talking and i was turning back and forth because I can't hear everything I try to read people lips.. suddenly my vision became distorted like I was looking through a kalidescope and I felt like I was on rollercoaster and was being pulled to the floor by my head.. I gripped the arms of the seat and slid back to stay in my chair.. I couldn't hear anything for the first time in over 10 years even the pulsing had disapeared. Then it stopped and I went to A+E , I couldn't hear very well everything was muffled, they sat me on a chair and lay me back lifted me up , I almost vomitted and was diagnosed with severe vertigo and tinnitus in both ears and a suggestion I had Menieres desease. Which the gp an ent and neurologist all confimed.
Again 'no cure.. I'm afriad you have to go home and learn to live with it.'
My world has become so very small now.. I used to be very sociable, but I rarely leave the house or have people visit, when I do go out I'm with family and enjoy nights out because I fit in well.. everyones drunk (except me but I look it sometimes lol) and no one can make out what anyone else is saying because of the music!

I try to find out any infomation I can online about tinnitus and menieres desease hoping I'll maybe come across something helpful, because the doctors and consultants have done nothing but give me pills for the sickness and betahystine hydrachloride pills for Menieres but they do nothing for it.
Hope the intro wasn't too long