Thanks for reaching out. I really wish there was some sort of awareness of this out there. To me thats unbelievably cruel. I have my good days and bad days as you can tell lol. Anyways how are you holding up? What caused your t? Mine was loud headphones.Hey man, I'm only one week in and I can definitely feel your pain. But even if it doesn't go away, there are SO many success stories out there about people learning to live with it. I know it sounds impossible, I have trouble believing it myself, but you have to find something worth holding on for. For me it's my family. I'm here if you want/need to vent more.
No awareness in the society you mean? People I know mostly know what T is..Everybody also can give me a bunch of names of people they know who have it too..I don't feel like it's not known about.
6 months in on this bullshit condition that theres NO awareness for in the first place and im getting tired of it. Im about to sacrifice my life just to get revenge on it and blow it the fuck apart.