Just Need Positive Feedback


Jan 28, 2014
Long Island, New York
Tinnitus Since
I'm ranting. My tinnitus is worse than ever. I had it since I am 10 and dealt with it very well. Not doing well at the moment. My anxiety is jacking it up. I have been very stressed lately and a little depressed. I know this is making my tinnitus rage. I feel for all you people on this forum and know what each of you endure. I wish I can take away all our suffering. God bless you all.
I hope your stress and depression is being treated with support and talking therapy and treatment of needed and will help you cope better with your tinnitus.
Try stay calm and relaxed so it won't feed your tinnitus.....lots of love glynis
Hi, @michaelbio ,

I'm sorry you're going through a stressful time right now, and am glad you're going to cognitive therapy. If you don't feel comfortable taking a prescription drug like Xanax, you could try a natural alternative, such as magnesium, holy basil, or pharmaGABA. Those supplements were what got me through the worst of my tinnitus when it first started. I'm still taking the magnesium, and it helps to keep me calm and keeps my tinnitus on an even keel.

Another thing you can do is find ways to stay busy and distract yourself. For me, exercise (walking) has been really helpful, and I have also attended restorative yoga classes. Find something that you love to do, that works for you, and you'll find that in time, things will improve.

I wish you well, and hope things begin to calm down for you soon. But in the meantime, we're here for you!

Best wishes,
@michaelbio I heard of a few cases where antibiotics contributed to T. I could never understand how meds that are supposed to help us actually does more harm then good. So when we think we're doing the right thing by taking certain meds there's always the risk of complications. I know someone who had brain cancer and after treatment his T began, because the chemo therapy damages the ear hair cells. It's very sad. But he takes his T as a scar from a battle he won (cancer).
I know. It's always a gamble when you really need to take something. With T, you're even extra cautious not to add more fuel to the fire. Every action has a reaction, and medicine is exactly that. Sorry to hear about your friend, but I am glad he won his fight against cancer despite his auditory scars.

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