I personally do not think having ldls repeatedly checked are necessary. My first ldl test caused me a setback. We know we have h, why cause more pain? Or fear? Doesn't help.
@here2help it isn't always easy finding an experienced clinician. In fact, for me, it's been quite difficult, though I am located in Canada. The one I am to see, the best one apparently, has only treated 10 people with h. I think when pain is involved it's alot more difficult to treat with trt and also doesnt work for everyone. Also for anyone interested Jastreboff still takes on patients. He is located in Maryland.
@here2help it isn't always easy finding an experienced clinician. In fact, for me, it's been quite difficult, though I am located in Canada. The one I am to see, the best one apparently, has only treated 10 people with h. I think when pain is involved it's alot more difficult to treat with trt and also doesnt work for everyone. Also for anyone interested Jastreboff still takes on patients. He is located in Maryland.