Using the 808nm at 90mws per ear feels warmer, but not uncomfortable, actually quite opposite, the heat feels really good and relaxing. The 50mw 660nm (accidentally put 650 is my last post) has a warmth to it but definitely not like the 90mw. I've only been using them for around three months but already I feel a difference, my ears feel less "tired", being around loud noises doesn't seem to fatigue them nearly as badly anymore. The everyday ear pain that I had been experiencing for over a year all but disappeared as well, I now believe that it has nothing to do with hyperacusis and is likely a nerve issue that is greatly reduced by photobiomodulation. I laser daily, alternating between the 808nm (30min 162, joules per ear) and the 660nm daily (55min, 165 joules per ear) , taking a two day break every week. How long are your sessions?