I do agree that it isn't hard to simply click "like" on a post (I liked them).
That said, the Trobalt post is not terribly "share-able" generally speaking. It's not something that I see and think "yes, my friends will find interest in this" or even "sharing this will get someone to talk about tinnitus/protect themselves." It's an update geared towards tinnitus sufferers and TT users, which is great - and it is a great update which is why it got a lot of likes here - it's fantastic, dedicated work, but not something that would get someone who doesn't know anything about T curious. Another thing to consider - a lot of people do not share anything T related on their social platforms, and a lot of people don't tell those around them about T. I'm not sure many people would want the Team Trobalt update to serve as that announcement. Again, I am not making excuses for not engaging in a like, or even in a starting a dialogue about what does work, just offering some potential insight.
Maybe saying what getting to 500 likes on a facebook post like this would mean for TT and the Team Trobalt initiatives might help get people "off the couch" so to speak, so there is some feeling of reward for having reached a certain goal as a community.
Otherwise, I think it's not the best approach to shame people on here for not clicking "like." It doesn't engender any fondness for TT and this is, after all, first and foremost this is a community of people suffering. This is not to say that there aren't a lot of people here who can engage in simple acts of support, but I think giving people reasons behind requests for actions and what changes these might bring about might help.
Thank you all for the work you're doing, it is always appreciated.