Tinnitus? The medical community doesn't even give a shit
They tell you to go for an MRI and if there's no tumor they tell you there's no cure learn to live with it it's not going to kill and then kick you out of the clinic or better tell you to listen to Goddamn white noise for the rest of your life. Hell, like visual snow sufferers we can't even get a proper diagnosis, some ignorant doctors even believe it is an imagined condition if your scan came back clean you're alright without any problem.
The scientific community? There are a few of the scientists who are really working on it, but no funding! They're working tirelessly towards a functional and molecular understanding of this shit but they face constant shortage of research funding. T sufferers are abandoned by the world, betrayed by the world. Why? Because no one give a shit and no one think it's a real problem. What they know is you can eat, breathe, move, and they believe whatever your condition is it's mild and doesn't really matter. You tell doctors your sufferings they label you as "Depressed", "Anxiety Disorder" (in my opinion Anxiety is really an imagined medical condition marketed by big pharma) and put you on more addictive and ototoxic drugs.
Not to mention I got this sh.t from those Goddamn psychiatrists and psychiatric drugs. They were supposed to help me but I end up losing my health and my life. Those who are responsible will never need to pay for it, pay for all my sufferings. This damned world has no justice.