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Liam Boehm — A Scammer or What?


Feb 21, 2018
Northern Europe
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Acoustic trauma? Stress? Both?
Hi all.

I see that this guy has put out a lot of YouTube videos lately, where he claims that he has a recipe for making tinnitus better or to cure it. Not a lot of substance in his videos nor on his website, however it seems to consist mainly of fasting and diets. He claims he has 'cured' some 157 people with this.

Is this a scam or what?

Another scam, lovely. :)

He probably means well but he claims that tinnitus is "reversable (his way of spelling not mine) no matter how severe your tinnitus is" which is simply wrong.

Just another person whose tinnitus went away and who now thinks he has all the answers.

Which is not to say that a healthy diet, reducing stress and so on can't help! But saying that a vegan diet or fasting will cure everyone is a lie.

Edit: There's just a difference between saying 'Hey, you could try this for your tinnitus, I think it helped me!" and saying "I have no medical background (and probably not read one study on tinnitus) but let me explain to you that it's all just due to inflammation within your body that you can easily cure". I feel like inflammation is the new word for scammers as well as fasting, detox and vegan diet.

I guess it's OK to smoke!?
Is this a scam or what?
He will ask you for $67 and then $97 or else the offer will be withdrawn. This talk about it being free is a lot of rubbish. He said he wants to help people. $10 would be more than enough to cover for his expenses and time. Looks like scam, smells like a scam.
He's a scammer. Look how he plays with people's emotions. I intentionally subscribed to him for fun.

Hi everyone,

I'd like to leave my 2 cents regarding Liam. First of all, like any of you, I've been struggling with tinnitus for a while and in addition I had to give up my favourite hobby due to my own stupidity (music: I've pretty severe hyperacusis and tinnitus). I've been to a few ENT specialists and essentially it all came down to the fact that I had to "live with tinnitus".

My name is Marcel, and in no way am I posting this to defend this Liam character, but I do have a few important remarks about his methods. First of all, I'd like to start off with the fact that I am a biomedical student, so anything regarding in depth physiology of the human body, is what I've been studying for years.

I didn't want to give up on tinnitus because as you all know, it really reduces the quality of life significantly and I'd like to believe that there is something that can be done about it. I've been doing research for a long time, trying to figure it out and a few months ago I stumbled upon this Liam character who made a few bald statements concerning his so-called tinnitus cure. His main principles consist of (dry) fasting and a specific diet. There aren't a lot of things that he gives away for free, but I think the (dry) fasting plays a crucial part here. Without a doubt, I'm sure anyone of you has read a lot about tinnitus to a certain extent, but I do consider Liam to have a few good leads to a possible tinnitus cure. It will probably not work for everyone, but on paper it could help a lot of people.

I haven't bought his package or whatever, because I think he gave away enough for me to research it on my own ;). Once again, please remember that I'm not necessarily defending his methods per se nor do I encourage anyone to buy his packet, but I'm just stating a few facts that COULD help anyone suffering from tinnitus.

1) Fasting has been a VERY powerful and known method of cleansing the body which stimulates autophagy and neurogenesis (recycling dead cells/debris) for thousands of years. Obviously, scientific research has only been around relatively short, but it has been scientifically proven that (intermittent) fasting stimulates growth of new neurons in the hippocampus (memory & learning), promotes autophagy and boosts the immune system. You can find a lot of information regarding this matter on pubmed and I also recall watching a TED Talk about this.

2) He also promotes cold showers, which are inevitably good for your health,as they improve the blood flow in your body and as you all know certain things like smoking & alcohol can worsen tinnitus symptoms because blood flow is restricted (in the case of smoking, as for alcohol that's a different mechanism).

3) Diet. This is something that he won't give away for free, but something I've put a lot of time in to study. Liam states that tinnitus is caused by inflammation. Unfortunately, there is no scientific proof to back this up. But through deductive reasoning we could end up at inflammation. There are a lot of circulating theories in relation to tinnitus, and I've read them all. So let's just say that Liam is right, let's use that as a starting point for what I am about to say. Oh, and I forgot to say that inflammation has been linked to A LOT of chronic diseases, if not most!

4) Meditation. Scientifically proven to reduce cortisol levels (=stress).

Since I stumbled upon Liam, I started doing all the things mentioned above. Cold showers, a ketogenic diet & (dry) fasting as to treat the so-called inflammation he mentioned as the cause of tinnitus. Undeniably my results could be due to a radical lifestyle change (no alcohol, no sugar, meditation, good sleep and muscle release, all of which liam says it needs to be done in order to solve tinnitus). But I did see results... Within 3 weeks my tinnitus went from a 6 to a 3. For the people that do not know what a ketogenic diet is, this is basically a diet where you eat less than 20 grams of carbohydrates a day in order to change your metabolism to fat. There are a lot of studies on pubmed regarding the ketogenic diet and its healing properties. I'm now 5 weeks in, and my tinnitus had reduced to a 2.

There is also another guy, that I found on this forum that did the same thing: cold showers, fasting & ketogenic diet and he also claims to be cured (he claims his only other option was suicide as it was THAT bad). Unfortunately I cannot find his thread anymore, but I'll post the link if I can find it.

So... I'd like to end here. The goal of my post was to encourage any of you suffering from tinnitus to live a healthy life. These methods might certainly not help everone as every individual is different but I do really believe that, no matter HOW you got tinnitus, the pathological mechanism COULD be the same in all of us. Fasting, meditation, cold showers and a proper diet will inevitably make you feel stronger, sharper, quicker and give you mental clarity for the rest of your life. It might not necessarily help/reduce your tinnitus (it did for me), but it'll be good for you in general.

Thanks for reading,
I wish you all the best of luck and hang in there.

Don't want to piss on your chips or anything as I'm glad it worked for you. Honestly.

But I actually went on a proper no food etc fasting retreat. Before this I had been eating very clean and my kitchen looked like a f***ing whole foods with the amount of supplements I was knocking back. Im talking from weird mushroom and turmeric powders to Lecithin granules and brain nutrient cocktails. I was also cycling and exercising for several hours a day. This went on for several weeks. And guess what happened?!

Yep....still suicidal with killer tinnitus....

......so I started easing up and eating more shit and having the odd drink. And guess what happened?!

Yep still suicidal with killer tinnitus.

Liam Bozo of whatever he calls himself has chancer written all over him, from his smug little face to his crappy 'look how serious my business is' polo shirts. If he wasn't peddling tinnitus cures he would be selling weed to kids......Trust me. I'm a good judge of character.
There was also a more famous woman in the U.K. who cured her severe tinnitus... she fasted on red wine and coke. Yep she cured it real good.

But at least she wasn't tricking and trying to cash in on the vulnerable.

I'm really sorry to hear that. I was just trying to help, this was the answer for me, and I know it will not be the answer for everyone's tinnitus. I also think it's really shitty that he's charging money for it, that's the reason why I didn't buy his product in the first place.

Anyway, it was just my input. I wish you the best of luck.
My name is Marcel, and in no way am I posting this to defend this liam character
You made your account today and this is your first post, seems sketchy. There's nothing that could defend this guy. Nothing. He's out there scamming people. He's not saying that a healthy diet, fasting or reducing stress could help them, he's saying he can cure any kind of tinnitus. That's utterly disgusting.
Look at the manipulative emails he's sending people who sign up, "why skinny people have tinnitus", "why you're going to end up a loser" - are you kidding me?
My name is Marcel, and in no way am I posting this to defend this liam character... -- The goal of my post was to encourage any of you suffering from tinnitus to live a healthy life. These methods might certaintly not help everone

Hi @Labyrinthine,

Thanks for your thoughtful, articulate, and balanced post. -- I only recently discovered this Liam character myself, and llke you, don't much care for this guy either. I do believe however, that a "bit" of what he has to say has "some" merit. Of course, much of what he has to say has no merit at all. It reminds me of what a man working at an herb and supplement store told me once that went something like this:

He said, "You know, I hear a LOT of different perspectives on health, and some of them are really pretty out there. But after I consider some of these "wacky" perspectives, I almost always realize there's actually a kernel of validity in most of them. -- This to me indicates how scams often work, and how cults can form so easily. Mix in your 99% BS with a kernel of truth, and that little kernel will pull in the suckers.

I've been interested in fasting for a long time (decades), have done extensive research, and have experimented with it in many different forms. From complete water fasting, to juice fasting, with enemas, without enemas, mixing it with "intermittent fasting", or some kind of "protein fasting", etc. When I developed tinnitus earlier this year, I began to run into references online of some people with tinnitus getting relief from fasting.

So I began to experiment with it a bit. In some very short fasting experiments, I noticed my tinnitus would actually always increase as time passed. But after I started eating again, it would return to baseline. I then began to notice that the tinnitus increase during fasting would be less, and then would return to slightly below baseline. This subtle pattern of improvement continues.

My progress so far has been minimal, but most importantly, I have discovered that fasting does affect my tinnitus. I suspect however, that would not have been the case in the first few months, as the tinnitus was so overwhelming then, that I don't think anything could have touched it--including fasting. -- I think sometimes the "right" therapy needs to come at the right time.

Thanks again for your post. Your writing style is very much to my liking. Thoughtful, trying to be helpful, etc. I look forward to reading any more you might have to say on how addressing our overall health increases the odds of tinnitus and/or hyperacusis improving. -- And congratulations on your improvements!
You made your account today and this is your first post, seems sketchy. There's nothing that could defend this guy. Nothing. He's out there scamming people. He's not saying that a healthy diet, fasting or reducing stress could help them, he's saying he can cure any kind of tinnitus. That's utterly disgusting.
Look at the manipulative emails he's sending people who sign up, "why skinny people have tinnitus", "why you're going to end up a loser" - are you kidding me?

Yes, I did make my account today. That might seem sketchy, but I've been reading on this forum for a while and I never took the effort to create an account as I didn't intend to post anything. The reason why I did reply on this post, is because when I found Liam, I was looking for reviews. I hoped to find anyone who had tried it and found some sort of relieve. So naturally, when I found this topic, I made an account and posted this. Nothing sketchy about it, as I basically gave away his "product" free of charge...

All I did was share my research and findings on this matter, and like I said, it helped me a lot. And yes, I do agree that his marketing or whatever you want to call it are questionable, putting it mildly. But then again, he did push me in the right direction. Whether my symptoms reduced by chance or through those methods, in a way I do thank him for that. So yeah, I hope I haven't offended you or anyone else by posting this. You can forget Liam, all I hoped for that my message came across that a healthy lifestyle can benefit anyone, whether you're battling T, H or something else.
Hi @Labyrinthine,

Thanks for your thoughtful, articulate, and balanced post. -- I only recently discovered this Liam character myself, and llke you, don't much care for this guy either. I do believe however, that a "bit" of what he has to say has "some" merit. Of course, much of what he has to say has no merit at all. It reminds me of what a man working at an herb and supplement store told me once that went something like this:

He said, "You know, I hear a LOT of different perspectives on health, and some of them are really pretty out there. But after I consider some of these "wacky" perspectives, I almost always realize there's actually a kernel of validity in most of them. -- This to me indicates how scams often work, and how cults can form so easily. Mix in your 99% BS with a kernel of truth, and that little kernel will pull in the suckers.

I've been interested in fasting for a long time (decades), have done extensive research, and have experimented with it in many different forms. From complete water fasting, to juice fasting, with enemas, without enemas, mixing it with "intermittent fasting", or some kind of "protein fasting", etc. When I developed tinnitus earlier this year, I began to run into references online of some people with tinnitus getting relief from fasting.

So I began to experiment with it a bit. In some very short fasting experiments, I noticed my tinnitus would actually always increase as time passed. But after I started eating again, it would return to baseline. I then began to notice that the tinnitus increase during fasting would be less, and then would return to slightly below baseline. This subtle pattern of improvement continues.

My progress so far has been minimal, but most importantly, I have discovered that fasting does affect my tinnitus. I suspect however, that would not have been the case in the first few months, as the tinnitus was so overwhelming then, that I don't think anything could have touched it--including fasting. -- I think sometimes the "right" therapy needs to come at the right time.

Thanks again for your post. Your writing style is very much to my liking. Thoughtful, trying to be helpful, etc. I look forward to reading any more you might have to say on how addressing our overall health increases the odds of tinnitus and/or hyperacusis improving. -- And congratulations on your improvements!

Thank you for your reply, I hope we'll be alright :)
He is now offering his program for $37 and claim he will refund $50 if it doesn't work.
Of course being desperate it makes me wonder. I am skeptical.
So it looks like fasting is helpful?

Any replies/suggestions are welcome.
He has a new channel. People with tinnitus who don't succeed are just no trying hard enough and are just negative and whiny, severity doesn't matter, he has a free tinnitus guide, apparently, if you want to cure your tinnitus, hug a tree to get rid of positive ions.
Bildschirmfoto 2018-11-21 um 15.47.01.png

His new page. And you guessed it, every kind of tinnitus is 100% reversible! He's found the cure! :rolleyes:

Edit: And again, if a healthy diet, ice baths, certain supplements and so on help someone or even cure them, that's great. What I disagree with is him saying that he can cure everyone.
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I've posted this before, I had some pretty good results fasting after 4 years of severe tinnitus. @Bam where did you do the fasting retreat? How long was the fast?

I would like to do another extended fast, but mentally having a impossible time with this new tinnitus after a recent acoustic trauma in August. I've tried 48 hour dry fasts since, that's as far as I can take it at the moment, this is a push as I can't even sleep.

No one thinks it's weird trying a round of steroids to promote healing, fasting reduces inflammation, plus you get a whole host of other incredible benefits, zero health risks if done properly. I'm not sure why there aren't more people trying this out.
What's the point of a dry fast? Fasting I get, but going without water seems like a bad idea to me.
I contacted him and he said 5 days of dry fasting should cure my Tinnitus. I said to him it is an impossible task.
Well if you die from dehydration you won't hear your tinnitus anymore.
What's the point of a dry fast? Fasting I get, but going without water seems like a bad idea to me.
It's the same benefits as a water fast, just a more intense accelerated version, your body moves into extreme healing quicker than with water. It's a bad idea if you have no experience fasting, and/or do it incorrectly.
"Just another person whose tinnitus went away and who now thinks he has all the answers."

I agree. Each situation is personal. It is actually conceivable that someone can have tinnitus and it disappears. It has happened. It is conceivable that someone coould knock their head hard and tinnitus disappears. It wouldn't surprise me if that's had happened. However, just because it has happened certainly doesn't means it will happen for many others because otherwise so many people would be doing it! I've even tried bizarre random things like hanging my head upside down off the bed to see if that could help (it didn't). We should try things but never have expectation.
So, yes these people have some luck and they tell us it will do this that and the other. Some do it because they want to share and get over excited and are not being realistic. Others do it because they think they can also make money.

So try something but don't have any unrealistic expectations.
Fasting I get, but going without water seems like a bad idea to me.
I know very little about the purported benefits of dry fasting over water fasting, but I have to say, going without water doesn't seem like a good idea to me either. I even have to wonder about water fasting, and whether some kind of juice fasting would work.
It's the same befits as a water fast, just a more intense accelerated version, your body moves into extreme healing quicker than with water. It's a bad idea if you have no experience fasting, and/or do it incorrectly.
A potential problem I see is that it would seem to be extremely easy to do it incorrectly. That is, doing it any way that becomes so stressful to the body, that the harm outweighs the benefits. I think it would have been easier to do in times past, but with all the pollution in the environment, including all kinds of EMFs, I just have a hard time believing dry fasting is the best route to go. If done, I think it would be helpful to be done in a super controlled environment, under the supervision of somebody who has indepth knowledge of it, and knows how to identify when it's time to stop if necessary.
@Bam where did you do the fasting retreat? How long was the fast?
I did a retreat in the U.K. in Devon. It was a week. Everybody else was having a wail of a time losing their love handles...... I was in hell and nobody could even believe let alone understand what I was experiencing regards having severe tinnitus.

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