This is a great article about the rise of ADHD by New York Times. It says for example:
"The adults with A.D.H.D. had significantly fewer D2 and D3 receptors (two specific subtypes of dopamine receptors) in their reward circuits than did healthy controls"
...and interestingly, these two D2 and D3 receptors are also associated with tinnitus. See for example this study:
I know I have challenges in focusing and attention. I don't know if this is ADHD or not, but my T started around times when I registered I had harder times focusing on tasks. These neurological findings seem to support a potential link. Any other potential / diagnosed ADHD T-suffererers here?
"The adults with A.D.H.D. had significantly fewer D2 and D3 receptors (two specific subtypes of dopamine receptors) in their reward circuits than did healthy controls"
...and interestingly, these two D2 and D3 receptors are also associated with tinnitus. See for example this study:
I know I have challenges in focusing and attention. I don't know if this is ADHD or not, but my T started around times when I registered I had harder times focusing on tasks. These neurological findings seem to support a potential link. Any other potential / diagnosed ADHD T-suffererers here?