List Everything You Have Tried for Tinnitus


Mar 29, 2014
Tinnitus Since
List all the things you have tried for tinnitus. Drugs, supplements, treatments, therapies, diet adjustments, EVERYTHING!

Mention if some of it made you better or worse.
Maskers helped at early onset and used them for quite a while.
Now duel purpose hearing aids.
Effexor medication .
Sound therapy helped when had trouble sleeping.
....lots of love glynis
Excellent idea for a thread. I will write my list when I will feel a little better. People should write on top of the list the cause of their T, or "cause unknown". Where the cause is unknown, they should write about the circumstances in which T emerged, if they do not mind doing so ("I was very stressed, or "I was happy, nothing noteworthy ", etc)
Antidepressant upped a little. Helped.
Sound enrichment. Did not help.
Melatonin. Helped.
Combination b12, magnesium, b6, co enzyme q10, omega 3, zinc. Helped.
Lavender spray. Did not help.
Cut out caffeine, salt, sugar. Did not help.
Eat more blueberries, cucumber, celery inflammation healing foods. Helped.
Relaxation regular through day. Helped.

Or may just feeling that I am doing something is what has helped me most.
Cause: Noise-induced
Sleeping pills: Nitrazepam and valerian. Helped me a lot the two first weeks.
Supplements: Magnesium, b12, zinc, b6, b3. Helped some.
Diet change: Stopped drinking milk and everything with calcium. More water and fruit. Reduce of caffeine/salt/sugar intake. Maybe it helped. I don't know.
Hearing aid w/tinnitus maskers,at times helps.seroquel-not sure it helps but makes me sleep..xanax-helps relax me a tad bit for anxiety.magnesium-seems like it helps a many OTC stuff that didn't help.splint for tmj -didn't help.predisone-helped quiet it for a day here n there.neurotin-cant tell if it's helping or not.detoxing my body for a month by a chiropractor seemed like I got a day here n there.cut out caffeine-didnt really help.masker by bed-helps relaxe some.thymex zinc,5htp and tons of stuff didn't help from health food store .mobic for inflammation helped at times.counling for depression. Phycaitrist for depression /anxiety/panic -gave me seroquel to help stabilize moods ,that's where I'm at now.not sure what caused mine for sure.had a tca chemical peel and T started a week later.but I also had what doctors said could be an inner ear infection ,I was under alot of stress before that,I got tmj.and neck issues all around the 1-3 week period before not sure.also worked in factory for 23 years (I wore protection though).
Xanax and Valium - helps (no solution, addiction, don't go there)
Remeron - helps (makes me sleep and eat)
Hypnotherapy - helps (effect on mood, lasts only for a day)
Masking - helps sometimes (but can be annoying)
Eating crispy food - helps (but makes me fat)
Eating ice cream - helps (but makes me fat)
Meditation - helps (should be done daily, I need more discipline)
Getting a foot massage - helps (can't get enough of them)
Reading succes stories - helps (gives me hope)
Taking a walk - helps (releases tention)
Crying - helps (releases tention)
Reading and writing in English - helps (keeps my mind busy)
Night fall - helps (somehow T. seems less intrusive in the evening, depression lifts)
Taking a bath - helps (makes me relaxed, sometimes lowers T.)
Venting - helps (I'm not the bottling up type)
Watching my children grow up - helps (I love them so)
Watching my husband - helps (I love him so)
Petting my dog - helps (he's really cute)

Zink - doesn't help
Magnesium - makes it worse
Melatonin - makes it worse
Stressing out - doesn't help
Despair - makes it worse
Candy - make it worse
Fear - makes it worse
Depression - makes it worse
I sacrificed a goat, but it didn't help :(

On a more serious note, I only visited doctors and took their advice. So, I took prednisolon for a couple of days and I'm not sure if it did anything. Other than that, I try to get into habits which are always good, such as eating healthy food, exercising, relaxing regularly and trying to get into a flow while working on something and forgetting about everything else.
Im not going to list all the supplements I took with no noticible results. Things that helped me the most was xanax, valium and ambien to sleep. I bought a neuromonics sanctuary on Ebay like an mp3 player that helped and I play nature sounds on my chromebook from youtube to sleep very helpful.
Sedatives - no effect, immune
Remeron - no effect, i'm immune to sedatives
Vicodin - no effect, i'm immune to sedatives
SSRIs/SNRIs - zombify me so I don't care about tinnitus, but it's still there
CBT - no effect
Talk therapy - no effect
Institutionalization in mental hospital - made me extremely depressed
Masking - no effect - tinnitus cuts right through
Eating- no effect
Listening to music - makes me extremely depressed
Drinking alcohol - no effect
Drinking caffeine - no effect
Intense exercise - no effect
Stretching - no effect
Taking a walk - makes me sad, especially if it's in the quiet woods
Reading - impossible, makes me angry
Writing - impossible, makes me angry
Taking a bath - makes it worse
Venting - makes me angry
Dietary supplements - no effect
Diet changes - no effect
Playing video games - no effect
I put hot sliced bread onto my ears as advised by a 14th century doctor. Unfortunately it didn't seem to help, but seeing the current status of available (effective) treatments after about 600 years, it was worth a try.
I find getting absolutely hammered to be the only way to reliably reduce symptoms. It has some complications though.

It's truly impossible to say if anything helps at all. It's unlikely that anything does.
The most effective thing I've tried is reading a big paperback book called ototoxic drugs.
Through this Ive learned that many over-the-counter and prescription medicines I have taken can aggravate my tinnitus, and that some meds can actually cause hearing loss. This has been a great place to start for me.
Lately Ive actually listened to the advice of many people that my noise-induced hearing loss could possibly be a cause for my tinnitus, and that wearing hearing aids to create a normal sound spectrum entering my ears can cause my mind to acclimate to the new sound and reduce the tinnitus.
For me this does work when I am diligent about wearing the hearing aids frequently.,..... and in the meantime is a great help to understand conversation in the midst of the ear ringing.
I have often wondered what my hearing test audiograph would look like if I had no tinnitus..... meaning how much of the notch in my high-frequency hearing is because the ringing gets in the way of my test.....even with their pulsed test tones.
I am trying to accept the fact that with all my efforts the tinnitus to as I have now is part of my hearing, and my audio graph represents the reality of what I can accurately hear today.
I sacrificed a goat, but it didn't help :(

On a more serious note, I only visited doctors and took their advice. So, I took prednisolon for a couple of days and I'm not sure if it did anything. Other than that, I try to get into habits which are always good, such as eating healthy food, exercising, relaxing regularly and trying to get into a flow while working on something and forgetting about everything else.
Try sheep
Maskers helped at early onset and used them for quite a while.
Now duel purpose hearing aids.
Effexor medication .
Sound therapy helped when had trouble sleeping.
....lots of love glynis

Glynis, what exactly do you mean when you refer to "dual purpose hearing aids"?
In all that everyone mentions, I can't help but wonder how many here opted to have any further medical investigation done to determine the cause of the tinnitus? I guess I would be referring mostly to having an MRI done to look for any possible neurological event that could cause the tinnitus. If you have already been told exactly what is the cause of your tinnitus, then of course nothing further is needed in the way of additional testing, etc. But, speaking for myself, all this just makes me wonder, especially since I have another medical condition for which there is no cure and is of rather unknown neurological origin as to exactly what causes it.

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