The ringing in your ears is tinnitus which you already know. What you might not be aware of is that is can get a lot worse to the point where it is unbearable. I am not trying to frighten you I am telling you the facts based my experience. You have the beginnings of tinnitus and your body or rather your auditory system, is telling you that it doesn't like the loud sounds that you are subjecting it to. If you continue on your present path: listening to music through headphones at high volume while at the gym and elsewhere, then it's likely you will develop full-blown tinnitus fast!
However, if you act now and follow some of the advice that I am giving you and from other members of this forum, then you could save yourself a lot of heartache and misery for months and probably years. You need to stop listening to music through your headphones right away. Give your ears a rest from them for at least 2 to 3 months. If I were you, I would never use headphones again even at low volume. It is your choice though. I advise you not to sleep in a quiet room, therefore use sound enrichment. More about this is explained in articles that I have written about tinnitus. Please click on the links below. Try to read them in full and don't skim through it.
I wish you well. Tinnitus can be a very distressing condition if it becomes severe. If you act now it's likely to go away in time but I strongly advise you to never use headphones again even at low volume. Some people that have tinnitus might tell you using headphones is fine as long as the volume is kept low. It is true some people with tinnitus are not affected by headphone use but I believe, once a person develops tinnitus caused by "loud noise" they shouldn't use headphones again.
All the best