Hi everyone, been lurking a while so thought I'd join up.
I'm 24, and have always gone to to lots of loud gigs every year and never had an issue, I would get home with ringing in my ears but wake up and it be gone, or it might stay for another day at most.
I went to a show in July and it was a smallish venue with no barrier, so my left ear was directly in front of the left speaker. There was a girl next to me with ear plugs in, but as I have never had a problem before I didn't think anything of it. When I got home I had the usual sound in my ears, and expected it to just go away the next day... This time it didn't. It's like a dull white noise sound, not a high pitched sound as I have seen others describe.
I was very upset when it was still there after a week and found it very hard to concentrate at work, and when drifting off to sleep. As months went by I think I got used to it, and it became much less noticeable. I have found that if I have had a few drinks out it does become more prominent.
Unfortunately I went to a local gig at a bar with my boss recently (his friend was in one of the bands), and thought it would be fine as I assumed it wouldn't be as loud as the gig I went to in July... Woke up the next day with my tinnitus way louder and more noticeable
I have ordered some HD professional gig earplugs to test out at a gig I am going to at the end of this month, hopefully these will prevent it getting worse. I'm hoping it will die down a bit again. I haven't been to the doctors as I am in London and it takes forever to get an appointment, and I assume there is nothing they can do anyway.
Nice to know there are other people in the same boat (although I wish there weren't!)
I'm 24, and have always gone to to lots of loud gigs every year and never had an issue, I would get home with ringing in my ears but wake up and it be gone, or it might stay for another day at most.
I went to a show in July and it was a smallish venue with no barrier, so my left ear was directly in front of the left speaker. There was a girl next to me with ear plugs in, but as I have never had a problem before I didn't think anything of it. When I got home I had the usual sound in my ears, and expected it to just go away the next day... This time it didn't. It's like a dull white noise sound, not a high pitched sound as I have seen others describe.
I was very upset when it was still there after a week and found it very hard to concentrate at work, and when drifting off to sleep. As months went by I think I got used to it, and it became much less noticeable. I have found that if I have had a few drinks out it does become more prominent.
Unfortunately I went to a local gig at a bar with my boss recently (his friend was in one of the bands), and thought it would be fine as I assumed it wouldn't be as loud as the gig I went to in July... Woke up the next day with my tinnitus way louder and more noticeable

I have ordered some HD professional gig earplugs to test out at a gig I am going to at the end of this month, hopefully these will prevent it getting worse. I'm hoping it will die down a bit again. I haven't been to the doctors as I am in London and it takes forever to get an appointment, and I assume there is nothing they can do anyway.
Nice to know there are other people in the same boat (although I wish there weren't!)