Loud Scream of My Grandmother. Scandal.


Jul 2, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Hello! Today there was such an incidental situation - I decided to stay with my grandmother for several days. She is 80 years old. It is very harmful. And he always screams very loudly.

Today she suddenly made a scandal because I bought a lot of products in the store, spent a lot of money. She started screaming at me, I tried to calm her down, but it was useless.

As a result, my nerves passed and I threw a roll of paper on her head. She screamed like a siren. I had to run out of the house.

Do you think this can hurt my ears? I had to drink a sedative.
You should have left as soon as she were to raise her voice. It is a good idea to tell every person who might do that when you are near them about your condition (assuming they won't use it against you), before you get in a situation like that.

It certainly Could hurt your ears. However, if your ears were hurt, you would know - T would be louder or you would get a full ear sensation. If your ears feel fine, then you are most likely going to be ok.
As for your grandmother, you might want to tell her that if she wants to keep seeing you, she will have to watch the volume of her voice. She is welcome to tell you any criticism she might have, but if she cares about your health and continuing seeing you, she can never raise her voice ever again.
You should have left as soon as she were to raise her voice. It is a good idea to tell every person who might do that when you are near them about your condition (assuming they won't use it against you), before you get in a situation like that.

It certainly Could hurt your ears. However, if your ears were hurt, you would know - T would be louder or you would get a full ear sensation. If your ears feel fine, then you are most likely going to be ok.

Also I want to verify my hearing on the smartphone with the help of the "hearing" test application. I try to avoid such situations, but still they haunt me often ..
I hope you don't take this the wrong way: but I think you're being hypersensitive to these incidents you keep posting about.

Sounds like your anxiety is getting the best of you right now.

In the last few days you've posted about a package air pocket popping, your grandma screaming at you and your dog barking at you as causing distress and possibly worsening your tinnitus or hearing. I don't think any of these incidents is enough to cause you so much anxiety at the moment.

I can sympathize with you because these are noises that I could see affecting me when I had severe hyperacusis, but even then when I encountered these situations, any spike was non-existent or temporary.

If you really feel these events worsened your tinnitus, then jump on some oral corticosteroids ASAP, otherwise - try not to get too anxious about it. Especially if you're not affected by something like hyperacusis. These are noises we all have to deal with in life, don't let it ruin your well being. Take a breath and assess whether these noise are actually worsening your symptoms or whether instead your anxiety is getting the better of you.
Also I want to verify my hearing on the smartphone with the help of the "hearing" test application.
Every time I listened to sounds on the internet to try to find the sound of my tinnitus, or when I tested my hearing over the internet, I regretted it (even when I didn't forget to set the volume low and to slowly raise it). It made my ears feel strange, and I wasn't sure whether I had damaged them. If you really want to know whether you have hearing loss, see a specialist, although you might regret that too.
I hope you don't take this the wrong way: but I think you're being hypersensitive to these incidents you keep posting about.

Sounds like your anxiety is getting the best of you right now.

In the last few days you've posted about a package air pocket popping, your grandma screaming at you and your dog barking at you as causing distress and possibly worsening your tinnitus or hearing. I don't think any of these incidents is enough to cause you so much anxiety at the moment.

I can sympathize with you because these are noises that I could see affecting me when I had severe hyperacusis, but even then when I encountered these situations, any spike was non-existent or temporary.

If you really feel these events worsened your tinnitus, then jump on some oral corticosteroids ASAP, otherwise - try not to get too anxious about it. Especially if you're not affected by something like hyperacusis. These are noises we all have to deal with in life, don't let it ruin your well being. Take a breath and assess whether these noise are actually worsening your symptoms or whether instead your anxiety is getting the better of you.
Agreed, EXCEPT about the part of coricosteriods. Because I am in that street, I took a lot of predisone whenever I had some louds things happening near me. And you could argue to only take it when you feel it its worse. Well you will always find a way to make it feel worse..

It's a hard thing, but I suggest you look up what healthy ears can endure for said time, then look up how loud the average, in this case, yelling is.
You'll see you could possible endure quite a long time of that noise, even if you would say that your ears are double as sensitive as normal ears.
Does your grandmother have any problems such as Dementia? If so, there are medications which may help. In the meantime, get a pair of earplugs, if you don't already have them, which you should, and wear them when you are with her. Good luck
IvanRus, your broken Russglish is just beautiful to read, and your meaning actually comes across very well. Don't worry about Babushka. She won't hurt your ears, but she clearly messes with your mind. I'll join you for a bracing sedative tipple anytime.
Just wear ear muffs whenever you get close
Grandma's do crazy things, wear earplugs, stick your fingers in you ears, step back away, is it dessert time. Keep up your good spirit.

I have been in your shoes before. I have had T for 4 1/2 years. I also have 4 young, loud kids. My T goes up for no reason, reacts to meds, noise, stress (big time!), etc. The one thing I have learned along the way is it will ALWAYS come back down!

It's so hard, I know, but believe me things will get better and life will return to a new normal. When I started I couldn't even leave my house. I gained 20 pounds and sobbed all day. Now I go to movies, rock clumb, rapel and run in "tough mudder" marathons. I adopted my fourth child after the first year with T. I am 47 years old with a 3-year-old - yikes!

I have days when I still cry. Today was one of them but i know everything will be alright. Just pray and trust God (Who you may not think is your friend right now but it's OK to feel that way, He understands).

I hope you feel better soon. Don't worry spikes are temporary!
Shes 80 years old. If you take care of her, then it is..what it is. If you are visiting her, then don't be around her..if shes screaming and loud. Even if you tell her, about your tinnitus....at 80, i doubt she even remembers or have a full understanding of things. I am not knocking elder folks, but at that age..it can be very difficult.
Shes 80 years old. If you take care of her, then it is..what it is. If you are visiting her, then don't be around her..if shes screaming and loud. Even if you tell her, about your tinnitus....at 80, i doubt she even remembers or have a full understanding of things. I am not knocking elder folks, but at that age..it can be very difficult.
At that age, there is a good chance she has hearing loss and possibly even tinnitus too.

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