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Loudness Hyperacusis, Followed by Pain Hyperacusis (Noxacusis)


Oct 3, 2024
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Loud noise exposure
Hi All,

I have severe loudness hyperacusis and noxacusis. I never post online, but after months of reading posts, I feel it's time to introduce myself. While I usually avoid these websites, as sufferers, we all know the only people who truly understand are on these forums. The best advice often comes from fellow sufferers. I'm sharing my story in the hope that it helps others understand pain hyperacusis/noxacusis and maybe prevents someone from going through what I did.

My loudness hyperacusis began in April 2023, after being exposed to a loud, high-pitched noise for about half an hour. Immediately afterward, I noticed everything sounded excessively loud, particularly high-pitched sounds. Simple tasks like emptying the dishwasher required headphones. I had read some horror stories online but thought my condition was mild, so I continued with life. I must have improved because I stopped wearing headphones as often and ignored the loudness.

(As for my hearing history: 10 years ago, when we moved into our current home, we installed an alarm system. Due to constant issues, it would frequently malfunction, producing an extremely high-pitched screech when I entered my code. Each time, I'd go deaf for a few minutes, which I believe contributed to my hearing damage.)

Then, in April 2024, my hyperacusis suddenly worsened, and I developed noxacusis. This decline occurred over the course of about two weeks, following a few very loud episodes. Suddenly, everything became unbearably loud and painful. I had forgotten the horror stories I read online and was so busy with life that I assumed it would calm down. But it didn't—it worsened. I became completely housebound, isolated from all sounds, hidden in a room upstairs, away from everyone, including my children. In the past five months, I've only left the house once to see a doctor.

As a mother, this has been soul-destroying. My older children have been supportive, but my youngest struggles to understand. I'm fortunate to have a family that supports me, but it has been hard on them, too. I don't know how anyone copes with this without support.

My Symptoms (April 2024):
  • Stabbing/electric pain from even the tiniest noise, particularly in my left ear, radiating down my jawline and teeth.
  • Aural fullness in both ears, constantly.
  • Fluttering in my left ear, like there's a little bell inside (likely tensor tympani syndrome).
  • Tinnitus, which only started with the severe hyperacusis—reactive and musical.
  • Severe loudness: I couldn't even tolerate whispering, even with earplugs and headphones on.
  • Water sounds (flushing toilets, washing hands, showering) were unbearable, even with double protection.
  • Plastic bags and food packaging were unbelievably loud. I had to ask my children to remove items from the plastic and be far away from me when unpacking groceries.
  • I could only eat using paper plates and bamboo cutlery, and I could no longer cook or eat with the family.
  • No crunchy or hard food whatsoever.
  • The TV was on silent—thank goodness for subtitles!
  • My husband had to take over almost everything—caring for the children and running his business.
  • Isolation in our attic bedroom, away from everyone.
  • Even breaking off pieces of toilet paper was too loud, and scrolling or tapping silently on my phone felt too loud.
  • Typing on a keyboard or clicking a mouse was intolerable, even with protection.
  • Birds outside made it necessary to wear ear protection, even in silence. I ended up sleeping in my son's top bunk because his room was the quietest, away from the birds.
  • No conversations with anyone, not even my husband. For the first two to three months, we had to email each other, even though we lived in the same house.
I've improved very slowly. I can now tolerate whispering without protection, but only for short periods. I've been able to cook simple meals for the family, as long as I wear double ear protection. I've also started eating some meals with them, provided they whisper, and everyone uses sugarcane plates (highly recommended), bamboo cutlery, and paper cups. No one talks above a whisper in the house, except for my youngest, who sometimes messes around. Even voices in a distant room are too loud for me.

I read @Marin's success post on this forum, which gave me hope. She, too, had been separated from her children but seemed to improve and has since disappeared from the forum. She tried a homeopathic remedy, which I also took, though I don't believe in homeopathy, and it didn't help me. Marin also used DNRS (Dynamic Neural Retraining System) as part of her recovery. I read several books on neuroplasticity and decided to try DNRS, as it's a structured program. I started it four months ago, and it's been fantastic—I can't speak highly enough of it. It has been my saving grace during these months of isolation and uncertainty about the future. I would recommend it to everyone, but it requires a real commitment. The slow progress, particularly when you're so isolated and want to be there for your children, can be emotionally draining.

I had hoped to post here as a success story, offering hope to others, but for now, I'm just another sufferer seeking answers. My heart goes out to everyone experiencing this. Stay strong, everyone.


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