Low frequency hearing loss - can this be caused by noise damage?


Sep 5, 2013
Tinnitus Since
So I had my hearing tested recently and it appears I have mild low frequency hearing loss, the rest is pretty good. My tinnitus came about after clubbing, however I can only find mention of high frequency hearing loss from noise. Low frequency seems to come from fluid build up, menieres or osteclerosis. I also had a tympanogram which cam about as type c and also did 6 months ago. Could there be something wrong with my eardrum?

I'm fairly confused now and am not sure how to deal with it. Psychologically knowing I have lost some hearing is quite depressing, although I wouldn't have noticed had I not been told. On the plus side my t has eased off this week quite considerably.

I'd appreciate any thoughts.


Type c means u have fluids in middle ear or etd
Etd and fluids in middle ear doesn't always cause t for every one, but they are a risk factor for t. They do contribute to acoustic trauma.

Usually if lots of difference between bone conduction and air conduction hearing it means (10 db) its a conductive hearing loss casued by fluid build up or etd.
If loss in bone conduction then it means sensural hearing loss.
If bone conduction is more than air conduction it means fluid build up in middle ear.

You can tell the difference by looking at the audiogram.

Conductive hearing loss can and will always be gained back and might keep fluctuating depending on the ear conditions.

You can try to do the audiogram and tympanogram again and ask the audiologist to explain for u by comparing the results.
Hey B!

First off-- you're right. Noise induced hearing loss or damage happens in high frequencies-- usually around 4kHz. You probably didn't notice that you have a mild loss because most of the speech frequencies are around 1,000-2,000 (ish!) Hz, except for those fricatives (s, f, etc) which are higher. Low frequencies really just provide speech with power :) and mid to higher frequencies provide clarity!

With all that being said, type C tymp means there's negative pressure in there. You could be having something with your sinuses, or maybe Eustachion tube. Is your hearing loss sensorineural or conductive? I ask because many cases I've seen where the rest of the hearing is normal show a conductive component in low frequencies. This would also make sense with your type C tymp. Luckily, conductive hearing losses could potentially (in theory) be fixed medically! Wether it is an infection that needs to be cleared up, or ETD that can be remedied. Keep us posted!

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