Lucky i had this treatment, H has not returned after i went to clinic. This combined with keppra could demolish my misophonia but keppra is also not tested properly, should i not try to take it? Hell no, same with LLLT, all possible treatments are nor yet tested; we are the lab rats and test it out selves.
What do you mean your misophonia? According to Jastreboff anything that isn't pure loudness reaching the brain, is misophonia. So the tensing of the muscles that may be what causes us pain, that we people with TTTS-like symptoms have, would according to Jastreboff, just be misophonia. But of course that's probably because Jastreboff never bothered exploring the ear to see if muscles were tensing or not because he was so preoccupied with the brain. Funnily enough, this definition of hyperacusis and misophonia may have also slipped into the laser camp...