Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

Yea Nick. your right. I wlil soon start the taper of Venlafaxine. Another crappy thing about Vellafaxine it causes
insomnia. What the hell I asked my Shrink. He said I all ready had insomnia. What sort of answer is that?
So I need more insomnia! The western world for meds is very overrated. Their success rate is not that good!
Have u read my PM and seen the movie i put inside from youtube??
Loving this thread

I just got my laser and have used it for two days now! I will write more later, but I just wanted to send a huge THANK YOU to all of you that have helped me, including @FERNANDO GIL who was kind enough to go through details about the laser with me. @Nick J. @attheedgeofscience @luka and all of you who have answered my questions about the laser have been helpful in this process.

I will keep a log, but so far, after the first day of using the laser on a low setting (starting slow), after speaking to @FERNANDO GIL , I had the crickets in my tinnitus vanish. I was left with waterfall tinnitus, and a higher ring.

The next day (today) the tinnitus is thinner, though the ring is still louder (I finally understand what this means...it's like the excess background noise of the tinnitus...the other noises...become less so that your T is one sound, or fewer sounds, instead of an entire forest of planes, crickets, waterfalls, hissing, etc.) At least, this is what happened to me, and so this is what I am interpreting as "thinner" .....though my definition of this could be incorrect.

I still have the crackling and strange fullness feelings in my ear, but those have altered slightly as well. I'm hoping this sensation in my right ear leaves as this is frustrating of course.

Love my laser. Also, after using it, I did get slightly dizzy. I am thinking part of why I had this symptom is because lyme disease has left me feeling slightly dizzy 24/7 for a couple years now, though it has slowly gotten better over time. It used to be terrible! After using the laser, my "normal" dizziness got slightly worse only for a very short time, and then it was better again after 10 seconds or so. What was odd was that it seemed that my baseline dizziness actually improved after it's increase. This sounds insane to me. However, it would be an incredible blessing if this laser was also able to help with that other dizziness symptom lyme has left me. I don't expect that it will, but if it did...wow

Peace, and write you all soon <3
(thank you again @FERNANDO GIL !!! :) )
Loving this thread

I just got my laser and have used it for two days now! I will write more later, but I just wanted to send a huge THANK YOU to all of you that have helped me, including @FERNANDO GIL who was kind enough to go through details about the laser with me. @Nick J. @attheedgeofscience @luka and all of you who have answered my questions about the laser have been helpful in this process.

I will keep a log, but so far, after the first day of using the laser on a low setting (starting slow), after speaking to @FERNANDO GIL , I had the crickets in my tinnitus vanish. I was left with waterfall tinnitus, and a higher ring.

The next day (today) the tinnitus is thinner, though the ring is still louder (I finally understand what this means...it's like the excess background noise of the tinnitus...the other noises...become less so that your T is one sound, or fewer sounds, instead of an entire forest of planes, crickets, waterfalls, hissing, etc.) At least, this is what happened to me, and so this is what I am interpreting as "thinner" .....though my definition of this could be incorrect.

I still have the crackling and strange fullness feelings in my ear, but those have altered slightly as well. I'm hoping this sensation in my right ear leaves as this is frustrating of course.

Love my laser. Also, after using it, I did get slightly dizzy. I am thinking part of why I had this symptom is because lyme disease has left me feeling slightly dizzy 24/7 for a couple years now, though it has slowly gotten better over time. It used to be terrible! After using the laser, my "normal" dizziness got slightly worse only for a very short time, and then it was better again after 10 seconds or so. What was odd was that it seemed that my baseline dizziness actually improved after it's increase. This sounds insane to me. However, it would be an incredible blessing if this laser was also able to help with that other dizziness symptom lyme has left me. I don't expect that it will, but if it did...wow

Peace, and write you all soon <3
(thank you again @FERNANDO GIL !!! :) )
Great to hear that it somehow works for you. I wish you all the best. Keep us posted.
A little up date of myself as well form this month.
Starting March 1st , I decide to make 15 days treatment with Lucky laser. I made 1 hour to 1 hour and half till the 17h March. During those days T was up and down as usual and at the end it start to be high. I stoped and during 2 days was high. One night really high. I stoped and let it rest with I will do it till end of this week at least.
During this last 15 days some ups and downs as well. But some times really low. Yesterday I can say was my best day ever. I wake up and T was not high, half an hour after I wake up it start to low till the point it desapeard. I can say that till 7.pm i did not notice my T. And many times I tryedto ear it. At night was low. I ws watching TV and almost no T.
have to say as well, that if I wake up at night i notice the T sound is louder and diferent than before. But still can fall to sleep again.
I will stop for another week as I said, and then see if I will go for another round . This time I will try dirferent. Insted of 15 straight days. I will have stops in the middle . Maybe one day in one day off.

Sheers all.

Share an email from a LLLT patient. She has vertigo and T for a long time.

"my knowledge of English are not good,
please excuse the mistakes.

Thank You, I am very well.
I have no more tinnitus and no vertigo.
I use my home-laser ca 3 times a week.
It is MLS NOVATECH device, the device befor LUCI.

My dizziness were over during the first treatment.
The tinnitus had gone after about a half year.

Please be patient, not give up,
laser therapie so will help you too.

I wish You all health and all the best.

Many love greetings

Don't want to confuse members here. She went to see Dr. Widen twice and used his home laser MLS (newest version is Luci or lux spa) . She is still using the laser 3 times a week after Her T was gone. Her vertigo was gone after the first intensive treatment at Dr. Wilden's. Everyone is different though. Hope it helps!
As I said before, there is a Portuguese lady, she is 65 year old. Last December, she bought my MLS laser and we went to a tretament in Norway from 11h January till 17h.

Atached you will see 4 audigrams, she made since 2013. And one file where did compile all 4 audigrams.
Just note that from July 18h 2013 till 11 April 2014 she lost hearing.25 days after doing LLLT she was better than. And now after going to the tretament in Norway her hearing is almost as good as 2 years ago. Some places even better.
Sheers all


  • 08-1-15.pdf
    139.9 KB · Views: 113
  • 11-4-14.pdf
    153 KB · Views: 62
  • 18-7-13.pdf
    142.1 KB · Views: 67
  • 23-3-15.pdf
    131.5 KB · Views: 87
    328.9 KB · Views: 154
Atached you will see 4 audigrams, she made since 2013. And one file where did compile all 4 audigrams.
Thanks for sharing @FERNANDO GIL

Interesting series of audiograms e.g. improvement between 08/JAN/2015 and 23/MAR/2015. Especially the right ear shows improvement (which is directly translated into something "tangible" as is visible on the speech audiogram).
As I said before, there is a Portuguese lady, she is 65 year old. Last December, she bought my MLS laser and we went to a tretament in Norway from 11h January till 17h.

Atached you will see 4 audigrams, she made since 2013. And one file where did compile all 4 audigrams.
Just note that from July 18h 2013 till 11 April 2014 she lost hearing.25 days after doing LLLT she was better than. And now after going to the tretament in Norway her hearing is almost as good as 2 years ago. Some places even better.
Sheers all
Interesting. It is a slow progress but enough to show that lllt helps her. Definitely high frequencies are the longest to heal. I wonder why. Maybe they are just more sensitive and need more repair.
A little up date of myself as well form this month.
Starting March 1st , I decide to make 15 days treatment with Lucky laser. I made 1 hour to 1 hour and half till the 17h March. During those days T was up and down as usual and at the end it start to be high. I stoped and during 2 days was high. One night really high. I stoped and let it rest with I will do it till end of this week at least.
During this last 15 days some ups and downs as well. But some times really low. Yesterday I can say was my best day ever. I wake up and T was not high, half an hour after I wake up it start to low till the point it desapeard. I can say that till 7.pm i did not notice my T. And many times I tryedto ear it. At night was low. I ws watching TV and almost no T.
have to say as well, that if I wake up at night i notice the T sound is louder and diferent than before. But still can fall to sleep again.
I will stop for another week as I said, and then see if I will go for another round . This time I will try dirferent. Insted of 15 straight days. I will have stops in the middle . Maybe one day in one day off.

Sheers all.

It always amazes me how you go from big struggle to great relieve. Definitely something is happening to your ears.
Fernando, How long have you used the laser for? You bought a home unit?
Making laser since 16h June 2014.
Note that I already made 3 laser sessions, one at Dr Wildem in June last year. One in October and another one in January in Norway.
September last year i went to Bangkok fo a stem cell treatment.
And doing home laser since June 2014.

Hi All,

I have received treatment from Dr. Wilden, this is helping me, so I feel I have to share my experience to help other tinnitus sufferers.

I suffer from tinnitus since end of September 2013.
My tinnitus started after spending about 3 hours in a disco where the venue was smaller than normal and the music was louder than normal.
During the first months I didn't even realise that I had tinnitus because I attributed the sound to any of the electronic devices which are present in my home.
It is a very high pitch noise, like the one generated by some anti-mosquito devices or by old fashioned TV screens.
When I discovered that the sound did not originate from outside I immediately connected it with that night at the disco and I started to gather as much information as possible.

I got visited by an ENT doctor initially, who said that there is no hearing damage at all to be observed in the audiogram, but there nothing to do with tinnitus because it originates in the brain and it may or may not go away by itself. I couldn't believe that the tinnitus originates fully in the brain when it was the ear that was stimulated by sudden loud noise, however I did have some small changes in the sound so I still hoped it could go away on its own.
The hissing sound in my head was mostly unchanged, however, a lower pitch sound appeared in my left ear and was gradually shifting towards higher frequencies – this sound was initially low but then it became audible almost always; and I notices the presence of a lower frequency component in the right ear.

around mid-November, I realised that my tinnitus did not change any more in the way it did initially and I became aware of the urgency of any medical treatment while still in the "semi-acute" phase (first six months).
I desperately jumped from website to website to look for an answer and while the official ENT guidelines do not offer a solution, some alternative treatments are available. By considering the way the treatments interact with the body, LLLT laser therapy and hyperbaric chamber seemed to be the two most reliable to me initially.

Reading about horror stories on incidents that could happen in hyperbaric chambers I immediately opted for the laser therapy, which is totally free from side effects and approved in that regard by the US Food and Drug Administration as a totally safe treatment.
This treatment stimulates cochlear hair cells regeneration through the production of ATP driven by the laser light, which acts as the Sun light, but without the UV radiation, and concentrated in high dosage in proximity of the inner ear.

Looking online on Google, I discovered that Dr Wilden has in the world the most practical experience in the application of this therapy, having dealt from 25 years with the widest range of different patients and their individual situation.
In January 2014 I had a 5 days high dosage therapy (1 hr per day). While laying on the therapy bed, my ear was irradiated by powerful laser with both visible and infrared radiation, I could feel that the warmth was reaching the inner ear. I also purchased Dr Wilden's 80 mW home therapy laser pen to be able to continue the therapy in my own time at home.
Within the following 2-3 months from the high dosage therapy I experienced again significant changes as detailed below:
• the local lower frequency fluctuating tinnitus in the right ear has increased its frequency and it's less loud.
• still in the right ear, a hissing sound appeared and slowly developed, alongside with a static high frequency sound (both of them very mild, which I could notice only if I cover my ears)
• in the left ear the frequency of the local noise has increased, however, it's still strong and I could hear it almost anytime
• In addition, I could always hear a noise in my head which has not changed much yet (although I don't exclude that there could be very small or gradual changes); I believe this sound might come mostly from the left.
In addition, I now feel the need to wear ear plugs to protect myself from daily loudness (trains, underground, buses, bars, cafes, etc...) because my hearing is also improving as a result of laser therapy - audiograms have documented about 5dB improvement in some frequencies.

Afterwards, for different reasons (moving home, moving jobs), I did much less home therapy and did no longer notice fast changes. After August, I restarted the therapy much more regularly and i had the feeling of some minor changes still happening to some components of my tinnitus but I couldn't definitely tell what was changing.

When I started comparing the quality of my tinnitus over 24 hours (Jan 2015 vs Jan 2014), I realised that the laser therapy has silently worked in the meantime to reduce the total aggressiveness of my tinnitus across the day.

Making this consideration, I wondered if doing another high dosage session could speed up the process again. So I did it again at the end of February 2015 at Dr. Wilden's clinic. This time, I felt my ears more stimulated than the first time (the tinnitus has temporary changes during the session while this was happening much less noticeably last year). According to Dr Wilden, it's because of the better starting point after 1 year of cochlear hair cells regeneration.

One week after the therapy, a component of my head high-pitch noise (mainly coming from the right side) has started to fluctuate sometimes, which makes me think that additional regeneration is now happening at a higher speed again.

These changes have been continuing till now, alongside with the feeling of a general reduction of the noise I can hear in my head.

I am now confident that my tinnitus is improving as a result of LLLT laser therapy combined with ear protection. Wearing earplugs in noisy situations is very important according to Dr. Wilden to allow hearing cells regeneration.
Hi All,

I have received treatment from Dr. Wilden, this is helping me, so I feel I have to share my experience to help other tinnitus sufferers.

I suffer from tinnitus since end of September 2013.
My tinnitus started after spending about 3 hours in a disco where the venue was smaller than normal and the music was louder than normal.
During the first months I didn't even realise that I had tinnitus because I attributed the sound to any of the electronic devices which are present in my home.
It is a very high pitch noise, like the one generated by some anti-mosquito devices or by old fashioned TV screens.
When I discovered that the sound did not originate from outside I immediately connected it with that night at the disco and I started to gather as much information as possible.

I got visited by an ENT doctor initially, who said that there is no hearing damage at all to be observed in the audiogram, but there nothing to do with tinnitus because it originates in the brain and it may or may not go away by itself. I couldn't believe that the tinnitus originates fully in the brain when it was the ear that was stimulated by sudden loud noise, however I did have some small changes in the sound so I still hoped it could go away on its own.
The hissing sound in my head was mostly unchanged, however, a lower pitch sound appeared in my left ear and was gradually shifting towards higher frequencies – this sound was initially low but then it became audible almost always; and I notices the presence of a lower frequency component in the right ear.

around mid-November, I realised that my tinnitus did not change any more in the way it did initially and I became aware of the urgency of any medical treatment while still in the "semi-acute" phase (first six months).
I desperately jumped from website to website to look for an answer and while the official ENT guidelines do not offer a solution, some alternative treatments are available. By considering the way the treatments interact with the body, LLLT laser therapy and hyperbaric chamber seemed to be the two most reliable to me initially.

Reading about horror stories on incidents that could happen in hyperbaric chambers I immediately opted for the laser therapy, which is totally free from side effects and approved in that regard by the US Food and Drug Administration as a totally safe treatment.
This treatment stimulates cochlear hair cells regeneration through the production of ATP driven by the laser light, which acts as the Sun light, but without the UV radiation, and concentrated in high dosage in proximity of the inner ear.

Looking online on Google, I discovered that Dr Wilden has in the world the most practical experience in the application of this therapy, having dealt from 25 years with the widest range of different patients and their individual situation.
In January 2014 I had a 5 days high dosage therapy (1 hr per day). While laying on the therapy bed, my ear was irradiated by powerful laser with both visible and infrared radiation, I could feel that the warmth was reaching the inner ear. I also purchased Dr Wilden's 80 mW home therapy laser pen to be able to continue the therapy in my own time at home.
Within the following 2-3 months from the high dosage therapy I experienced again significant changes as detailed below:
• the local lower frequency fluctuating tinnitus in the right ear has increased its frequency and it's less loud.
• still in the right ear, a hissing sound appeared and slowly developed, alongside with a static high frequency sound (both of them very mild, which I could notice only if I cover my ears)
• in the left ear the frequency of the local noise has increased, however, it's still strong and I could hear it almost anytime
• In addition, I could always hear a noise in my head which has not changed much yet (although I don't exclude that there could be very small or gradual changes); I believe this sound might come mostly from the left.
In addition, I now feel the need to wear ear plugs to protect myself from daily loudness (trains, underground, buses, bars, cafes, etc...) because my hearing is also improving as a result of laser therapy - audiograms have documented about 5dB improvement in some frequencies.

Afterwards, for different reasons (moving home, moving jobs), I did much less home therapy and did no longer notice fast changes. After August, I restarted the therapy much more regularly and i had the feeling of some minor changes still happening to some components of my tinnitus but I couldn't definitely tell what was changing.

When I started comparing the quality of my tinnitus over 24 hours (Jan 2015 vs Jan 2014), I realised that the laser therapy has silently worked in the meantime to reduce the total aggressiveness of my tinnitus across the day.

Making this consideration, I wondered if doing another high dosage session could speed up the process again. So I did it again at the end of February 2015 at Dr. Wilden's clinic. This time, I felt my ears more stimulated than the first time (the tinnitus has temporary changes during the session while this was happening much less noticeably last year). According to Dr Wilden, it's because of the better starting point after 1 year of cochlear hair cells regeneration.

One week after the therapy, a component of my head high-pitch noise (mainly coming from the right side) has started to fluctuate sometimes, which makes me think that additional regeneration is now happening at a higher speed again.

These changes have been continuing till now, alongside with the feeling of a general reduction of the noise I can hear in my head.

I am now confident that my tinnitus is improving as a result of LLLT laser therapy combined with ear protection. Wearing earplugs in noisy situations is very important according to Dr. Wilden to allow hearing cells regeneration.
I think your trying to sell Dr. Wilden products to poor sufferers, you do know that some are struggling financially, life will get you man.

All the best with your sales... but it is really not nice what your doing here
I think your trying to sell Dr. Wilden products to poor sufferers, you do know that some are struggling financially, life will get you man.

All the best with your sales... but it is really not nice what your doing here

I have just reported my own experience, i am not selling anything to anyone - if I was I wouldn't have specified that I still have tinnitus, although less aggressive than initially. Please note that I am not posting any link, and I won't reply to any private message.

I have been suffering tinnitus from long time and I had never shared my own experience until now that I saw it works in my case (noise induced), and it's sad to be attacked by someone who doesn't know what I went through after I got tinnitus.
I have just reported my own experience, i am not selling anything to anyone - if I was I wouldn't have specified that I still have tinnitus, although less aggressive than initially. Please note that I am not posting any link, and I won't reply to any private message.

I have been suffering tinnitus from long time and I had never shared my own experience until now that I saw it works in my case (noise induced), and it's sad to be attacked by someone who doesn't know what I went through after I got tinnitus.
Welcome to hell, here people that are getting better doing LLLT are not welcome. I think you know what I mean. Just let them talking. From your description I presume your first audigram was made only till the 8000mHz.

Sheers and nice you share your experience.
I have just reported my own experience, i am not selling anything to anyone - if I was I wouldn't have specified that I still have tinnitus, although less aggressive than initially. Please note that I am not posting any link, and I won't reply to any private message.

I have been suffering tinnitus from long time and I had never shared my own experience until now that I saw it works in my case (noise induced), and it's sad to be attacked by someone who doesn't know what I went through after I got tinnitus.
can you share your audiograms?
Welcome to hell, here people that are getting better doing LLLT are not welcome. I think you know what I mean. Just let them talking. From your description I presume your first audigram was made only till the 8000mHz.

Sheers and nice you share your experience.
can you send us the address of dr wilden

well I hope it's working for him
Hi All,

I'm new to the site. I'm glad that I found this forum. I have tinnitus and moderate hearing loss for about 7 years. It's very very frustrating every day. I'm glad that some people have success with the LLLT and can't wait to try myself. There seems a lot of info to digest from the forum, but sounds like I have two good choices:

1) Dr Wilden in Ibiza, Spain (with Lux Spa Laser) or
2) Anne Harila in Sandvika, Norway (with Lucky Laser)

Exactly which one is most effective? I have a full time job so I don't really have time and money to visit the clinics multiple times. I'm thinking to have one treatment at the clinic (Dr. Wilden or Anne? Any suggestion?), and buy a home laser for treatment afterwards. Which one will give me the best value?

In terms of cost, how much does Dr. Wilden charge per hour? Is it 1 hr per day? What about Anne? Can someone explain the cost in terms of USD? Do they open during the weekends? Or only weekdays? What about the cost for Hotel, Meal, and transportation? Do they speak English? What about taxi driver? I'm sorry if you have already posted these info somewhere, but would greatly appreciate if you can answer these questions here since I don't really have time to read through all threads/posts. Thank You!!
Hi All,

I'm new to the site. I'm glad that I found this forum. I have tinnitus and moderate hearing loss for about 7 years. It's very very frustrating every day. I'm glad that some people have success with the LLLT and can't wait to try myself. There seems a lot of info to digest from the forum, but sounds like I have two good choices:

1) Dr Wilden in Ibiza, Spain (with Lux Spa Laser) or
2) Anne Harila in Sandvika, Norway (with Lucky Laser)

Exactly which one is most effective? I have a full time job so I don't really have time and money to visit the clinics multiple times. I'm thinking to have one treatment at the clinic (Dr. Wilden or Anne? Any suggestion?), and buy a home laser for treatment afterwards. Which one will give me the best value?

In terms of cost, how much does Dr. Wilden charge per hour? Is it 1 hr per day? What about Anne? Can someone explain the cost in terms of USD? Do they open during the weekends? Or only weekdays? What about the cost for Hotel, Meal, and transportation? Do they speak English? What about taxi driver? I'm sorry if you have already posted these info somewhere, but would greatly appreciate if you can answer these questions here since I don't really have time to read through all threads/posts. Thank You!!
All your answers are on this threath. I think you should take some time to read it.
But go for Anne and buy the Lucky laser.
Get a plane on Dubai airport, go all the way to Cape Carnival in Florida. Wait for the next shuttle that goes to the moon. Wait there. I will get someone to delevery to you personaly. But only after November 2015, Is when you will T.

Hope I helped.
thanks for the information


Want to know how your progress is right now. I am also using lucky laser for one hour 5 days a week two days rest and sometime switch to every other day. t is getting softer.
Good to know, very good, really happy.

Mine is getting lower as well. Last Saturday was my best day ever. Small T when I wake up, then almost no T at all during all day. Need it to be in quiet place to ear it. at night time was low what is not usual. Sunday was good as well, then on the afternnon decided to make only 15 minuts of laser and went up a lot. It start to low again yesterday after lunch time, and it´s been low since then. Not so low as it was on Saturday and Sunday.

I will be traveling next week, so I will stop making laser till I return on the 14h. After that 2/3 more weeks of straight laser and stop again.

I can say last week happen again the same as did happen in February. But this time T is lower.
Sheers all.

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