The bone behind my ear on my right side, which is the side experiencing ringing, is protruding. I read online that it could be caused by a middle ear infection. I am suspected to have Stapedial Myoclonus, though I don't know if that is a middle ear infection. At this point, I don't even know if it is mastoiditis.
Basically, my right ear rings in response to certain sounds, which is why Stapedial Myoclonus is what I might be going through. I recently found that the bone behind my right ear is also protruding. Are those two issues related? Can mastoiditis be the cause or the result of Stapedial Myoclonus, and also tinnitus?
Basically, my right ear rings in response to certain sounds, which is why Stapedial Myoclonus is what I might be going through. I recently found that the bone behind my right ear is also protruding. Are those two issues related? Can mastoiditis be the cause or the result of Stapedial Myoclonus, and also tinnitus?