The benefit will be more psychosomatic and emotional ... because you will be able to have an encreased empathy for your own situation. Still not the desired discovery us T people are hoping for. After taking mdma your serotonin levels are down so you get a hit of temporary depression so that might reverse the whole empathy discovery. Some insights are life lessons, but the expereince does fade after a day. mdma lasts only 3-5 hours.
Fat chance anything will come of it. Whenever they find a treatment linked to an illegal substance, you never hear from it again.
Besides, the government shills at the FDA will make short work of it.
The problem is that on the street you will virtually never get pure MDMA. It will be adulterated with any number of different things that can have different effects, so it's never going to be very reliable what is causing any particular effect.Ecstacy being so common there must be enough anecdotal evidence out there - though maybe it's more common amongst people who are young and tinnitus is more prevalent in a more mature (!) population so that might limit the numbers who have/tried T and mdma.
I've never tried it, must admit I wouldn't fancy taking a hallucinogenic like lsd these days.
Yeah thats what i figured but still coolThey also seem to think much more research is needed. Don't get hopes up too high yet. It is an encouraging sign but way early at this point. Plus if you google MDMA, it seems to cure everything from cancer to hangovers to depression.
That's intriguing. If only he would join here so we could ask him about it."QUALITATIVE COMMENTS: (with 200 mg) It was taken twice at different times in a dosage of 200 milligrams each time, without the slightest peripheral or central effects.
(with 300 mg) My tinnitus had disappeared. Probably nothing. "
The above quote by Alexander Shulgin (discoverer of MDMA and T sufferer) refers to a drug related to MDMA.
I'm no scientist, but I don't think we should discount something simply because it is illegal.
That's intriguing. If only he would join here so we could ask him about it.
May be a complete longshot, but I sent a quick mail to the Facebook page his wife Ann has up. He's not in great health so they are fundraising for him, still the message may get through. I'll update if I get a reply.