Hey buddy, I would really be careful with Kratom use. It is highly addictive... Honestly no wonder you like to use it, because it is just replacing one high with another. It is known to give people tinnitus and that has nothing to do with what caused it. It is just plain brain chemistry. I used it again 2 weeks ago and my tinnitus has not come down ever since. I hate it, wish I never drank it again.
Anyway, if you want to stop drinking you should microdose Ibogaine. The only other medicine that really heals addcition. I microdosed it for 6 weeks and stopped smoking even though I did not even want to ... the plant just makes you stop addictive behaviour.
Thanks for the warning and I'll check out Ibogaine. Never heard of it, but then never heard of Kratom before February.
I do wonder if people are triggered by different elements due to how their tinnitus was caused. It seems, just from reading posts for so long that people whose tinnitus was caused by acoustic trauma have less fluctuation in sound loudness. And more things that trigger it to spike. Just an observation, not science.
Last thing any of us need is a permanent increase. Addiction should have been my middle name, trying to get off the smoking and evening beer. My spike is gradually increasing. I've been habituated before so started the sweet pleasures again

I'm committed to moving forward again, as I can't drive myself to insanity again.
Thanks, I will check that out.
My tinnitus cause is unknown. I worked as a second grade teacher and the end of the year the little kiddos' behavior drove me to tears and sleepless nights. I had started a couple new meds. Wore a nicotine patch lol then the tinnitus hit the roof as it began.
Ok... Did a mild search. Sounds confusing. One site states its illegal in the US. But it's for sale everywhere. What steps did you take?
I was about to pop antabuse, and a couple weeks worth of chantix but that doesn't help my energy/anxiety levels and will cause a constant mild headache. Ive gone through these drugs a few times before. Chantix causes a spike but I stop once it gets to be too much and it gradually goes away. Lol my husband is a healthy natural person, that's why we got kratom, but he doesn't understand tinnitus, or addiction