Melatonin, Diet Sugar — Tinnitus Relief


Mar 19, 2019
Tinnitus Since
2 months
Cause of Tinnitus
I recently started taking melatonin time release (10mg) at night to help with middle of the night waking up. I've been on it for about 3 weeks.

It has helped quite a bit. I take it with 2 grams (2,000 mg) Vitamin C and water just as I'm about to drift off.

An unexpected benefit I've noticed lately is that my tinnitus (which I have had for about a year) has been less noticeable. But I still got fullness and pressure.

Then it occurred to me, is there a link between inflammation and tinnitus? A benefit of melatonin is that is has an anti-inflammatory effect (perhaps when taking it in higher dosages)

My diet is close to Clean Keto (Lite: I don't eat high levels of fat - but keep carbs very low - under 50 grams a day) with emphasis on Olive Oil and Omega 3 sources, which also help with inflammation. But there was a missing link, something in my diet was still contributing to inflammation and tinnitus.

After researching artificial sweeteners (I know they are bad) - I decided to replace my daily 2 packets of Saccharine (the pink stuff) with Stevia based with Erythritol (Walmart sells this - read all labels, a lot of Stevia comes with bad ingredients that raise blood sugar)

After 3 days of removing Saccharine from my diet (I don't eat packaged foods) and using Stevia instead, my tinnitus is beginning to quiet down. I still have it very slightly. I have to shut off TV, fans, etc. and sit in a totally quiet room to be able to hear it now.

In such a short period of time to get a noticeable relief leads me to write this cautionary article. I'm not sure if this is a fluke, or if it's a temporary relief. All I know is that there is movement in the symptoms and I only changed 2 things. Melatonin with Vitamin C at night and removing all artificial sweeteners from my Keto-ish diet.

I hope this helps some of you or allows you to look at tinnitus is a different way - perhaps it's really systemic inflammation that needs to be addressed.

By the way I do take the following Vitamins daily in the morning with breakfast:
1. Vitamin C
2. Calcium
3. Magnesium
4. Zinc
5. Omega 3
6. Vitamin D 3
7. Ginger
8. Vitamin A
I don't think its a fluke. I cut out sugar and my reactive tinnitus improved a lot.

Why don't you try organic stevia? It's just pure stevia with nothing else. Comes in liquid or powder. Erythritol is a sugar alcohol which is not the greatest. Pure stevia should sweeten things up just fine. Or you can try Monk Fruit in liquid of powered form. Just make sure to find pure monk fruit as many also contain sugar alcohols.
I've found using Melatonin to be beneficial too, but am trying not to take it anymore unless I am subjected to loud noise exposure.

Melatonin is known to improve tinnitus for some people. I feel it has to do with how it alters the quality of sleep, well, for me anyway. It also has antioxidant properties and is otoprotective. Can't take it non stop forever though.
I've read it might decrease insulin sensitivity, which if true is a bit of a worry. Yet there might be a link between low levels of melatonin and development of diabetes type 2. Who knows what is right.

You take calcium at the same time as magnesium? I think they compete for absorption from what I've read. I take them at opposite times of day.
Can't take it non stop forever though. I've read it might decrease insulin sensitivity

I've taken 3 mg of melatonin nightly for many years, and feel it's a good all round supplement for me, on top of helping me sleep. In the past few months, I've gotten into the habit of extending my daily non-eating time frame (otherwise known as intermittent fasting). I gradually went from 12 hrs each day to more like 16-18 hrs. It feels like it has improved my insulin sensitivity significantly, so it's not something I myself am concerned with.
I've read it might decrease insulin sensitivity, which if true is a bit of a worry.

Yes, it may affect insulin sensitivity over time. I also do intermittent fasting (16/8) which help with Insulin Sensitivity and over that last few weeks (Other than Christmas) I haven't experienced weight gain - although it may take a long time to become insulin insensitive.
I recently started taking melatonin time release (10mg) at night to help with middle of the night waking up. I've been on it for about 3 weeks.

Here's a follow up. This morning, I've noticed a bit louder ringing than last night when I wrote the post. However, after I got out of bed, showered, dressed, and had my first cup of coffee, the ringing started to become less noticeable.

It's not as silent as last night, but overall better than what it was before starting Melatonin. Perhaps as the day progresses and head clears up from sleeping, the T changes as well.
So many people benefit from Melatonin, it is great.
Me, I tried it and it gave me horrible nightmares. Ughh
Never again.

But glad it helps you and many others.
Be well.
Me, I tried it and it gave me horrible nightmares. Ughh
Never again.

Me too @OnceUponaTime! I guess that's a bummer for us. I'm not big on taking much of anything, but that's just me. I wish I was disciplined enough to go the diet route but I live in Texas man, love my BBQ and Mexican, I guess it on me if it takes longer for me to adapt this second go around with "T". But God Bless this rest of you who can make it work.
Me too @OnceUponaTime! I guess that's a bummer for us. I'm not big on taking much of anything, but that's just me. I wish I was disciplined enough to go the diet route but I live in Texas man, love my BBQ and Mexican, I guess it on me if it takes longer for me to adapt this second go around with "T". But God Bless this rest of you who can make it work.

Are you sleeping, Eloy? I can sleep fine but it took me some time to get here.
Esta tomado medicamentos?
Unas enchiladas, quesadillas vendrian de maravilla. :) O un tamal de pollo, que rico. ;) hahaha

Are you sleeping, Eloy? I can sleep fine but it took me some time to get here.
Esta tomado medicamentos?
Unas enchiladas, quesadillas vendrian de maravilla. :) O un tamal de pollo, que rico. ;) hahaha

@OnceUponaTime....Wow, very impressed with your Spanish! Where did you learn? I'm Hispanic and I definitely can't write like you do, I can read it, and speak it, yes love me some tamales but here in the south it's mainly pork tamales.

My sleep is so so, like you, it took me a while to adjust the first time and I was doing just fine, (4yrs. in) but since my spike in December, I'm having to kinda start over. I was taking an anxiety pill to help me sleep, but I'm phasing myself off of those.

I'm glad to hear you can sleep well, gives me hope I can be back to where I was a few months ago.

Ok I'll give it a shot....que tenga un buen dia! Lol
@OnceUponaTime....Wow, very impressed with your Spanish! Where did you learn? I'm Hispanic and I definitely can't write like you do, I can read it, and speak it, yes love me some tamales but here in the south it's mainly pork tamales.

My sleep is so so, like you, it took me a while to adjust the first time and I was doing just fine, (4yrs. in) but since my spike in December, I'm having to kinda start over. I was taking an anxiety pill to help me sleep, but I'm phasing myself off of those.

I'm glad to hear you can sleep well, gives me hope I can be back to where I was a few months ago.

Ok I'll give it a shot....que tenga un buen dia! Lol

Haha... estudie y vivi 12 años en Puerto Rico.
May I ask what anxiety pill were you taking and how much? Si le esta ayudando a dormir y a estar bien, no le tenga miedo. Tome una dosis pequeña.

I tried Melatonin and Valerian and both gave me terrible nightmares. Then after pure exhaustion, I started sleeping. I sleep 7 hours, which is not bad for me and I only use a humidifier by my bedside to help mask the nasty hum/drone.
@OnceUponaTime...Puerto Rico!, no, no le tengo miedo. Hydrooxyzine, that's what I've been taking. I don't really like how it makes me feel groggy in the morning. I'll still take it if I've had a bad day. 7 hrs is really good, I'm right around 5-6 hrs. Mine is a high pitch ring with some buzzing mixed in there. One day, God willing I'll sleep like a baby again.
@OnceUponaTime...Puerto Rico!, no, no le tengo miedo. Hydrooxyzine, that's what I've been taking. I don't really like how it makes me feel groggy in the morning. I'll still take it if I've had a bad day. 7 hrs is really good, I'm right around 5-6 hrs. Mine is a high pitch ring with some buzzing mixed in there. One day, God willing I'll sleep like a baby again.

Hola ¿Como estan? Yo soy de Puerto Rico, viviendo en Texas. ¿Como siguen de salud? Espero esten bien

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