Meniere's Disease

Gin, im super glad you found a new doctor!!!
sometimes i dont understand why doctors are so cruel and would prescribe things that are bad for you.
i hate it, i hope this works better for you.
keep us posted, btw what do you mean with the sound gone?? does your tinnitus goes away completely?
you dont listen to it even when cover your ears?
would like to know.
Yea it comes and goes. But usually when I take Lipoflavnoids after they build up in my system, it disappears completely. Yesterday, my ears were pretty quiet too. But I haven't taken them yet. They are sooo expensive. Like $40 a bottle, but for me they work.
Yea it comes and goes. But usually when I take Lipoflavnoids after they build up in my system, it disappears completely. Yesterday, my ears were pretty quiet too. But I haven't taken them yet. They are sooo expensive. Like $40 a bottle, but for me they work.

Im so happy for you, you get to experience silence!!!
i have days where my tinnitus is not very audible (only at nights)
but even those days when i cover my ears i still can hear that (ttttttttttttttt)
Well no tinnitus today but severe Hypercausis and plugged ears. UGH sucks. Last night I had another attack. Very dizzy, loud roaring of ears, palpitations, numbness of face, vertigo, etc. Took Valium and Promethazine. It knocked me out thank God. Yesterday I was doing month end billing and the night before I only had 3 hours of sleep. I'm guessing that is what brought on this round. I'm at work this morning. I got through the majority of Month End so some stress will be alleviated. Day is going pretty fast. Gonna try to get 7 hours of sleep tonight. Maybe catching up will help. The Lipos seemed to have helped with the humming but may be what caused it. Or perhaps that I had earphones in most of the day yesterday listening to music. When I talk today It sounds like I'm underwater too. Hoping this will pass soon and not drive me bananas.
Hello! I went to a very loud concert back in April and was standing right next to a speaker for over an hour. I then noticed that I got severe tinnitus. Thankfully, it calmed down to the point where it is now mild. But, my ears are blocked and I always have pressure in my ears since that day. I went to the doctor and got an hearing test which was normal and a tympanogram (testing the pressure in your ears) which was also normal. My former ent said that I have mild Eustachian tube dysfunction even though nothing points to it except the feeling of fullness and clicking in my ears. I finally got to see the chief of ent surgery and he believes that I may have Ménière's disease. He says that I experienced barotrauma which might have caused the Ménière's. I have had no vertigo attacks whatsoever, but he says that some people don't get vertigo with Ménière's. Is this true? He put me on a diuretic which really helped me the first few days, but my ears are now back to feeling plugged and full. I know that hearing loss is progressive with Ménière's disease so I will continue to get hearing tests whenever I notice a difference in my hearing, but I want to be prepared for what may be in my future. I haven't been officially diagnosed and I think he's going to put me on a higher dose of the diuretic and see if that helps. I am 15 years old and if I have Ménière's, it's going to get worse over time. I have it in both ears but my left is worse for some reason. I am okay with my symptoms right now as it is manageable, but I don't know if I can handle my tinnitus getting louder. I don't mind the fact that I might go deaf. The only issue I have with going deaf is that my tinnitus will get louder. Does your tinnitus get louder as your hearing gets worse? Thank you all for reading and I'll keep you updated on my final diagnosis. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
I have had no vertigo attacks whatsoever, but he says that some people don't get vertigo with Ménière's.

Maybe it would be good to have a second (or third) opinion...
What you describe is a very quick jump to the Meniere's conclusion, especially without the vertigo.
Maybe it would be good to have a second (or third) opinion...
What you describe is a very quick jump to the Meniere's conclusion, especially without the vertigo.

I am planning on getting another opinion, thank you. He said I might have cochlear hydrops which is basically early stages of Ménière's in which it doesn't effect the balance part of your ear. Not sure if this is true, but we'll see
I've had so many drs in my life because of the health organisation that I belong couldn't seem to keep doctors so my latest one doesn't have access to all my health info. Does this sound like MD to you? I'm 61 now but in my late 30's or so my ear or sometimes both would get completely full and I'd literally be deaf. But then it would go away after a week or 2 and my ears would be fine. There were times and still have times where I feel off center and have to lay down like right now.
I had occasional dizziness on and off so that dr. put me on anti nausea pills but the only time I'd get nauseous is when I would be sleeping and I'd turn my head.. then I'd get dizzy and nauseous but the nausea would go away. In my 50's we drove to another state and as i was walking through the store the shelves on both sides of me appeared to be whizzing by fast and I was so dizzy. I looked at my friend and saw her run towards me.. Apparently I was just falling over and didn't even realize it. I was dx'd with vertigo and put on anti nausea meds again which did nothing. I just got dizzy before when I shook my head to get my hair out of my eyes.. Now I have a headache too. A few months ago I started having tittinus really bad and went to the ENT. The hearing exam showed I have hearing loss.. but at the same time loud noises just go right through me. If somebody slams a cabinet door here I'm ready to kill which sounds terrible and not something I would do, but that's how it affects me. Does this sound like MD to you? I plan on talking to my doctor about it too but I'd also like to know what comes next.
I found some articles on Meniere's disease for those who are concerned or interested:


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I am male in my lower 30s. I haven't had an official diagnosis from an ENT but my primary doctor thinks I have Meneires. I have constant dizziness, Tinnitus, stiff neck, some aches/weakness, sensitivity to sound and high frequency hearing loss. I have not had any vertigo attacks that I am aware of and if I did it was brief in the middle of the night.

The one thing I am struggling with the most is the throbbing/pressure I get in different places of my head. Sometimes it's the sides or front but often the back. It is extremely tough to concentrate and causes lots of dizziness. Also, not sure if it's related but I do have some sensitivity in the back of my head as well.

Besides keeping super hydrated and avoiding sodium does anyone have any suggestions for the throbbing/pressure and dizziness? I believe the headache may be a tension headache and I have them constantly.

Thanks for your help!
@duder12 ,
Ask your doctor about Betahistine that could help you.
With Menieres,doctors and ENT won't be quick to diagnose it till tests have ruled out other problems and monitor your symptoms over a yèar or so to see how you go so try not to worry as time will tell.
Happy New Year...
Love glynis
Can I please join this topic? I'd like to share my story quickly and my question is to those who suffer from Menieres: does this sound at all like the Syndrome?

I haven't received a Meniere's Diagnosis but I am scared I may be in the early stages of it because only one ear is involved.

About 14 months ago, I had recovered from a long bout of an upper respiratory cold. When I started to feel better, I started getting headaches in my left ear. Some people have never heard of a headache in the ear, but if you can imagine was a migraine feels like (throbbing, pounding, etc.) that's exactly what it felt like but directly in my ear. It was happening every 2-3 days. It would subside with Advil.

Usually, when I get a headache or a migraine, I don't think too much of it but these headaches started to get my attention. Why were they always in the same spot? Was I doing something wrong? I changed my diet, thinking it was the food. I tried to get more sleep as I was also postpartum, and nothing budged. I got massages, etc. Then, around the same time, I got BPPV in my right ear. At this time, I did not have any tinnitus.

I was treated with the Epley Maneuver for the BPPV which in and of itself, was a terrifying experience. For example, I would be holding my cell phone in between my neck and shoulder and have violent, brief, vertigo episodes... sometimes being out in public.

Anyways, that was treated. After the actual spinning sensation was gone, I noticed I was still dizzy. It wasn't as violent as before, but it was still there. If I moved my head suddenly, I would feel a minor sense of disorientation for 1-5 second. Almost like the feeling you get when you shake your head and then stop. I still have that feeling today.

And, at the same time, with more and more ear headaches, my left ear started developing more pronounced hyperacusis and tinnitus. I have actually had it in both ears but it's more pronounced in the left. In the left ear, I also have a morris-code type of tinnitus on top of the constant one.

I can't say I get episodes of extreme vertigo. I just get dizzy moving my head from say, looking down at my cell phone, to looking straight. Or looking down to the left to looking straight. Sometimes, I will just be staring at something and get visual vertigo.

It's just been awful. I don't feel like I am living in the same body anymore. And it concerns as to why all of the other symptoms are only in the left ear. I have had a full workup of vestibular testing and they have been normal. I don't have any hearing loss either.

There isn't anything I know of that causes headaches within the left ear.. and I know that the hyperacusis and tinnitus are a result of the headaches I get.

Also, the left ear clicks and flutters at times as well. Sometimes, it pops on its own. I know something is going on in there.. and it's scary that I don't have any answers.

Does this sound like Menieres?

So, when I first had my appointment with an audiologist, they asked me if I had vertigo (I'm not sure of the English world...) and at start, I said no (ask me a question and wait for a immediate respond, stress the hell out of me ahah). But, after that, I remember that yes, Sometime yes. But not on a daily or an almost daily-basis and it's not for 20 minutes or more.

I know they have note that it can be that in my folder, but I'm not sure if I should talk to them about that when I'll have my next appointment?
Your doctor or ENT can help you but for now you can keep a diary on how you are with symptoms as Meniere's can take a long time to diagnose it and tests to rule out other problems.
Love glynis
My poor Mom had MD and she had a surgery in California in approximately 1992. The surgeon put in a shunt that went from her inner ear her down through her neck to drain excess fluid from inner ear. They went through the back of her skull behind her ear and for some unknown reason did not replace a thumb size portion of her skull so she always had an indentation there after surgery. The surgery helped with the severe vertigo but nothing else and left her with hearing loss and severe pressure in her head.
This may sound like a stupid question but how can you tell if you have MD. I have been getting really strange dizzy spells lately, one i had at work to the point i almost slide of my chair and had to lie on the ground because the entire room was spinning. I just had a dizzy spell then again. I am no stranger to vertigo at all. I also get a lot of headaches but i just assumed this was normal or down to my neck and tmj. I might reaching here but im just wondering what are the actual tests for it?
@Fally Headaches, dizzy spells, spinning, vertigo, TMJ. If it is your neck this may be reason.
C1-C2 level rotation and the vertebral arteries where they enter the vertebrae at C4, C5 and C6. Longus coli and scalenus anterior treatment might help.

I'll try to find backup support for this.

Found this from my saves, but only refer to key words C1, C4, longus coli and scalenus anterior. You can do other research to key words that's mentioned within paragraph where C1, longus coli and scalenus anterior is mentioned.
also this:

Question: Have you had any dental visits where you were lifting your head from the headrest or was turning your head in the dental chair? This is what happened to me
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@Fally Headaches, dizzy spells, spinning, vertigo, TMJ. If it is your neck this may be reason.
C1-C2 level rotation and the vertebral arteries where they enter the vertebrae at C4, C5 and C6. Longus coli and scalenus anterior treatment might help.

I'll try to find backup support for this.

Wouldnt surprise me honestly! I remember I had hand and wrist pain badly when studying at Collage turned out it was my neck causing it. Wouldnt surprise me if it was causing the other and now that I am typing this i can feel that familiar pain in my wrist again so maybe its time for a physio appointment.
@Fally Only get muscle therapy and gentle touch by palm of hand on the c spine. It's not advised to get spine manipulation for this, as it can cause bigger serious problems.
Your physio should focus on the longus coli, scalenus anterior mostly as well as the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles. You don't want massage, you would need trigger point therapy.
Your physio should focus on the longus coli, scalenus anterior mostly as well as the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles. You don't want massage, you would need trigger point therapy.
He tends to do some trigger point thing in the back of my neck where he presses hard and it releases the muscle. It hurts like hell but feels so good afterwards.

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