It is the superwire of the human body and keeps everything working, it`s like the high-way of information ...
The vagus nerve is either one of two
cranial nerves which are extremely long, extending from the
brain stem all the way to the
viscera. The vagus nerves carry a wide assortment of signals to and from the brain, and they are responsible for a number of instinctive responses in the body. You may also hear the vagus nerve called Cranial Nerve X, as it is the 10th cranial nerve, or the Wandering Nerve. A great deal of research has been carried out on the vagus nerve, as it is a rather fascinating cranial nerve.
Vagus is Latin for "wandering," and it is an accurate description of this nerve, which emerges at the back of the skull and meanders in a leisurely way through the
abdomen, with a number of branching nerves coming into contact with the heart, lungs, voicebox, stomach, and ears, among other body parts. The vagus nerve carries incoming information from the nervous system to the brain, providing information about what the body is doing, and it also transmits outgoing information which governs a range of reflex responses.
The vagus nerve helps to regulate the heart beat, control
muscle movement, keep a person breathing, and to transmit a variety of chemicals through the body. It is also responsible for keeping the digestive tract in working order, contracting the muscles of the stomach and intestines to help process food, and sending back information about what is being digested and what the body is getting out of it.