Mild Tinnitus. Temporary or Permanent?


Nov 12, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Rock concert possibly
Roughly about 4 weeks ago I went to a bar to check out a band. The voluming was horrible and too loud. We only went for the last set which was about 30 mins or so. That day as I'm going to bed I hear a loud ringing in my ear when lying on my side. I've heard of tinnitus somewhere and I got worried. Googled it and found that it typically goes away after a few days when coming off a concert.

3 days later it was still there and I was worried but by the forth day or fifth I think it went off. I don't remember thinking about it since then until about 3 days ago. It came back. I use headphones everyday but I don't put it too loud. Also, I had a fever the past few days and apparently it can cause tinnitus as well temporarily?

I'm don't expose myself to loud sounds, it was just that one gig I went to so I'm not sure what to think. Is it temporary or am I screwed? Is there anything I should do? Maybe stop using head phones? How to rest my ears? Thanks :(
We are not almighty Gods so we can't tell you. Can be permanent.

Read the forums for advice.

@Michael Leigh thinks you shouldn't use headphones.

Stay inside and meditate etc.
I've stopped using headphones since today and if I do I keep it very low. Will continue. Do you think the fever played a part? I think it was here that I read a doctor told them it was due to the cold and will come off after awhile. One person said they're family member had the same thing during a cold and ended up taking two weeks to heal but it did go off.
Hi Tragedy,

I would take the medical route and go to see an ENT. After you explain what happened and he or she checks your ears, ask them to write you out a prescription for a steroid (prednisone) as it may help you.

All it takes is one gig. I had an unfortunate case of noise trauma on the road when I was at the wrong place at the wrong time back in March and I had a ringing in my left ear which has not abated since.

You may have had the ringing the entire time and just not listened for it, and then you picked up on it.

As for headphones, put them away. Avoid any and all exposure to loud noise. Also, try to limit your anxiety and stress levels. Lastly, try to get adequate sleep nightly. Best of luck!
Sorry to tell ya but it will most likely be permanent. Noise damage is cumulative and all it takes is one gig. Lay off the headphones for a few months to give your ears a chance to heal. Stock up on your vitamins and minerals as well. Invest in a good pair of earplugs to protect your ears.
OP...what the other guys said plus...
We all wonder if our tinnitus will go away or at least lessen. Many times it lessens over time but generally this perception is due to habituation which is written often about on this forum. I would say tinnitus hangs around a lot more than it goes away...maybe by 4:1 or more. Not good odds. But close to 100% do much better with it over time. I am about at month 6 now and am more used to it. Sure would love to be able to turn it off but I can't:)

I as with all here hope for a cure. The fact that one hasn't come about with all the research already performed to date suggests that tinnitus is extremely difficult to solve. Its a brain processing disorder based upon a change in how neurons fire in the brain...a deviation from how the brain processed sound without tinnitus. This is hard and perhaps even impossible to recalibrate. But with time, resetting neuron firing...this effort maybe abandoned by intercepting the noise signal and modulating it to remove the frequencies causing our T. I really believe a cure will come but it maybe many years.
There's no way to tell if it's permanent or not, but I personally believe that it will go away eventually if you just give your ears a rest. You have to remember that most people don't share their success stories on these kinds of forums.

I got T 3 weeks ago from clubbing and it's still there, but it's fading!

Keep your head up!

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