Minor concussion, major tinnitus increase

T Bone

Jan 22, 2014
Tinnitus Since
About a week ago I got a minor concussion from baseball (very minor), and ever since then my tinnitus has increased a ton, especially after I work out it spikes like crazy and doesn't go down, my t hardly used to spike after workouts before, now after jogging it absolutely skyrocket. So of course I'm getting very worried. I'm scared that this has permanently made my t worse and increase like this after workouts.:unsure:
Mine did the same about 36hrs after a smack on the back of the head during a snowboard lesson last Saturday. You had any headaches? I've had neuralgia like shooting pains, which have gradually reduced, but still there with the tinnitus.
Just reading through the forum, I might up some supplements, especially magnesium, in case it's the healing process needing extra minerals.
Anyone know how long it takes the head trauma after a minor concussion to settle down?
Hey man sorry to hear. I know my t increase after I lift but dies back down .others have reported the same I don't know much about concussions but hopefully when everything is healed it will
go back to normal.
About a week ago I got a minor concussion from baseball (very minor), and ever since then my tinnitus has increased a ton, especially after I work out it spikes like crazy and doesn't go down, my t hardly used to spike after workouts before, now after jogging it absolutely skyrocket. So of course I'm getting very worried. I'm scared that this has permanently made my t worse and increase like this after workouts.:unsure:
About a week ago I got a minor concussion from baseball (very minor), and ever since then my tinnitus has increased a ton, especially after I work out it spikes like crazy and doesn't go down, my t hardly used to spike after workouts before, now after jogging it absolutely skyrocket. So of course I'm getting very worried. I'm scared that this has permanently made my t worse and increase like this after workouts.:unsure:
I've taken some smacks in the head in my 40 years of T. Yup, it does aggravate the T.
If you had a minor concussion a week ago, I'd cool it on the exercises for a couple weeks. This is your brain, eyes and ears we're talking about.
Hey man. Any updates?
About a week ago I got a minor concussion from baseball (very minor), and ever since then my tinnitus has increased a ton, especially after I work out it spikes like crazy and doesn't go down, my t hardly used to spike after workouts before, now after jogging it absolutely skyrocket. So of course I'm getting very worried. I'm scared that this has permanently made my t worse and increase like this after workouts.:unsure:
About a week ago I got a minor concussion from baseball (very minor), and ever since then my tinnitus has increased a ton, especially after I work out it spikes like crazy and doesn't go down, my t hardly used to spike after workouts before, now after jogging it absolutely skyrocket. So of course I'm getting very worried. I'm scared that this has permanently made my t worse and increase like this after workouts.:unsure:

I got a concussion last year but it didn't do anything to my T; however, working out does cause my T to spike. Do you know the cause and form of your T? I highly suspect the genesis of my T is in my neck area; so I have somataform T.
Hello thanks for the replies everyone, Im pretty sure the t is slowly going down to where it was, as far as working out goes its very on and off. Sometimes it spikes like crazy, other times not at all, even sometimes it decreases during/ after workouts. So maybe it's trying to still adjust, so I guess the overall update is that yes it's still a bit louder than what it was but it's very on and off.

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