Mirtazapine Helped Me


May 2, 2018
Miami, Florida
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
I've had tinnitus since 2014. It forced me to retire, since the ringing in my ears was unbearable.

Of course my ENT said I would have to get used to it. I already had trouble sleeping, so that is the worst case scenario for someone with tinnitus.

After a couple of torturous years, I went to a shrink. He suggested an antidepressant. I told him my ENT said that under no circumstance should I take them. I resisted at first, then I said what do I have to lose. I was getting no sleep, had to eat a bland diet because processed food was a severe trigger as was stress.

He suggested Mirtazapine which is for severe depression. It comes in 15, 30, and 40 mg. The dosage of taking less and having it work better is counter intuitive. I take 7 and half mg, and the first night I slept 6 hours. The next day my ringing had subsided.

It was two days before Thanksgiving, and I thought I would test my reaction to food. I stuffed myself with turkey and all the trimmings. No problem. Now I sleep an average of 7 to 9 hours, and sometimes more.

You will have some bizarre dreams at times, but they can be fun. And you will gain weight since you will be ravenous, but after 2 years I have my normal appetite back. I'm now 67 years old, and I feel great.

I still have ringing in my ears, but it moderate, and most of the time I don't notice it.
Mirtazapine also helped me greatly. I don't know where I would be without it. Probably hanging from a tree somewhere to be honest. If there is something I can NOT deal with, it is insomnia. Sleep is my get-away from the tinnitus, and without it I wouldn't be able to cope.
I am very interested in Mirtazapine. I am curious though if it is linked to dementia like the tricyclic ADs are (only because they are chemically very similar i.e. tri to tetra).

I am very happy it gave you relief!
Did you end up trying Mirtazapine?
I fell 30,000 feet out of an airplane I had been riding with a ziplock bag as a saddle last night and landed on my feet. One helluva dream lol.
Yes the dreams can be wild on Mirtazapine. Lol. How many hours did you sleep? Has it helped you with the ringing during the daytime?
I'm on 7.5 mg and it knocks me out in about two hours. And I sleep a solid 8 hours on it. It's hard to say at the moment if it is helping my tinnitus. I replaced an evening benzo dose with the Mirtazapine. I also have only been on the Mirtazpine for 4 days. It has improved my sleep, lessened reliance on benzos, and held tinnitus stable. But I think I will see results once my body has stabilized a bit.
Mirtazapine also helped me greatly. I don't know where I would be without it. Probably hanging from a tree somewhere to be honest. If there is something I can NOT deal with, it is insomnia. Sleep is my get-away from the tinnitus, and without it I wouldn't be able to cope.
In your post above from 2018 you had a great experience with Mirtazapine, but in a recent post (May 2021) you said:
Because I am worse than ever, and I think it's the Mirtazapine that's hurting me. I can also barely walk up the stairs anymore. I get winded so easily and that's probably also due to Mirtazapine. Plus I feel like a zombie on it, most of the time.

I got a load of eye floaters after being on Mirtazapine for some months. I have talked to others who have experinced the same with Mirtazapine. It's an awful drug... or at least for me it has been.
When did Mirtazapine start working against you and giving you bad side effects?
In your post above from 2018 you had a great experience with Mirtazapine, but in a recent post (May 2021) you said:

When did Mirtazapine start working against you and giving you bad side effects?
Yes, for nearly a year it helped, but then it turned on me HARDCORE. Since then more and more side effects have shown up.
Yes, for nearly a year it helped, but then it turned on me HARDCORE. Since then more and more side effects have shown up.
Okay, so would you recommend me to taper before the 1 year mark?

I'm currently on 30 mg of Mirtazapine and it's working so well that I'm totally in love with this drug, but I'm also scared of possible horrid side effects from long-term use.
Okay, so would you recommend me to taper before the 1 year mark?

I'm currently on 30 mg of Mirtazapine and it's working so well that I'm totally in love with this drug, but I'm also scared of possible horrid side effects from long-term use.
I can only say what I would have done myself. Yes, I really wish I had tapered off before the 1 year mark. Mirtazapine is fine to use it shortly I think, to get your head a bit above water, but after that I would get out. But that's just my personal opinion on this drug. Some can be on it for years and it works fine, but it's really a Russian roulette, and I wouldn't risk it if I were you. Not if you in any way can do without it, or with some other drug that's not as potent.
I can only say what I would have done myself. Yes, I really wish I had tapered off before the 1 year mark. Mirtazapine is fine to use it shortly I think, to get your head a bit above water, but after that I would get out. But that's just my personal opinion on this drug. Some can be on it for years and it works fine, but it's really a Russian roulette, and I wouldn't risk it if I were you. Not if you in any way can do without it, or with some other drug that's not as potent.
The problem is I had sleeping issues even before tinnitus, and Mirtazapine seems to be the least ototoxic or safest med for insomnia, with the additional benefit of being anti-depressant.

Is there any better drug for sleep? I'd rather be dead than reinstate benzos and go through that hell again...
The first week was a revelation taking this. Now 3 weeks in and my tinnitus pattern is back to normal. So it hasn't helped me.
Everyone reacts differently to medication, but Mirtazapine is widely considered one of the safer antidepressants (not saying it's 100% safe).

I've been using it on and off for close to 20 years with no issue and it hasn't affected my tinnitus.
Does anyone know if Mirtazapine is the type of medication that can be taken ad hoc?

Usually I know before going to bed when I am going to have a rough night sleeping (maybe once every 3 or 4 nights) and would be good if I could take it on these nights only (presumably this would help to reduce side effects?).

Also, is it prescribed "off label" for tinnitus here in Australia?
Does anyone know if Mirtazapine is the type of medication that can be taken ad hoc?

Usually I know before going to bed when I am going to have a rough night sleeping (maybe once every 3 or 4 nights) and would be good if I could take it on these nights only (presumably this would help to reduce side effects?).

Also, is it prescribed "off label" for tinnitus here in Australia?
I think it's going to depend on how much you take and how long you take it for. You should be careful with it like any other antidepressant because there will be withdrawal effects. I think it's best to check with your doctor to be honest.
I've had tinnitus since 2014. It forced me to retire, since the ringing in my ears was unbearable.

Of course my ENT said I would have to get used to it. I already had trouble sleeping, so that is the worst case scenario for someone with tinnitus.

After a couple of torturous years, I went to a shrink. He suggested an antidepressant. I told him my ENT said that under no circumstance should I take them. I resisted at first, then I said what do I have to lose. I was getting no sleep, had to eat a bland diet because processed food was a severe trigger as was stress.

He suggested Mirtazapine which is for severe depression. It comes in 15, 30, and 40 mg. The dosage of taking less and having it work better is counter intuitive. I take 7 and half mg, and the first night I slept 6 hours. The next day my ringing had subsided.

It was two days before Thanksgiving, and I thought I would test my reaction to food. I stuffed myself with turkey and all the trimmings. No problem. Now I sleep an average of 7 to 9 hours, and sometimes more.

You will have some bizarre dreams at times, but they can be fun. And you will gain weight since you will be ravenous, but after 2 years I have my normal appetite back. I'm now 67 years old, and I feel great.

I still have ringing in my ears, but it moderate, and most of the time I don't notice it.
@Anselmo, hey there, what was your sleep pattern like before starting Mirtazapine?

Would you say it has helped mellow the ringing in your ears? Were you experiencing anxiety before going on it as well?

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