Morse Code Sound Two Days After Starting Using a Mouth Guard


Feb 17, 2018
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Likely jaw and/or neck issues
Hi everyone!

Last week I got my night guard, which I got due to a whole bunch of jaw related problems.

About two days after I started using it, I noticed a morse code sound when going to bed.

It's been a week, and the sound is still there. So my question is; could my night guard be the reason for this new sound (or rather if it's affecting my jaw in a way that makes this sound appear)?

Has anyone else noticed the same thing?
Been searching for a thread like this. I just had two white occlusal fillings on bottom molars (only minimal drilling for one filling) and got a night guard because I grind my teeth at night over the past month. After wearing my night guard for two days, I got continuous tinnitus in both ears. It's been two weeks now and it has not gone away. It's tolerable but very distracting and annoying. Also tried not wearing my night guard for 3 nights but this no impact either way.

I suspect all the dental work may have made potential TMJ worse which is causing my tinnitus. I have appts scheduled with specialists to get checked for TMJ soon. From what I can surmise I have not suffered TMJ in the past or it was not serious enough to manifest itself before.

Would be interested in hearing in how it is going for you and what you did to make the tinnitus fade or go away if your situation has improved.
I've been using a splint and it makes my tinnitus much worse. The doctor said it takes about 6 weeks to get all the muscles, etc in its correct form. So it'll be a tough 6 weeks. (I hope he's right lol)
Would be interested in hearing in how it is going for you and what you did to make the tinnitus fade or go away if your situation has improved.

Oh, hi @oceanofsound26! Sorry for the very late response!

I do still hear the morse code sometimes, but it's rare. I find that I mostly hear it if I also have some pain in my jaw or neck. At every checkup I've had since I got my mouth guard, I've been told that I should really go see a physical therapist, and that my T could improve if I did.

Are you doing any better now, or is your T still bothersome?
Hi @Striveon - I am getting my orthotic splints at the end of October. I have 12 weeks of 24/7 treatment with the day splint and then will likely need to wear my night splint for the rest of my life. As long as the tinnitus reduces or goes away, I wear whatever splints as long as I need to so my tinnitus will go away. Yep, not looking forward to the first couple weeks when I need to learn to talk and eat while wearing my splint. Hopefully, you are seeing some improvements with your own condition.
Hi @Imshael - My tinnitus has been continuous and constant since onset in July 2019. I went to the dentist for the first time in 6 years and got two fillings and a night guard for clenching and grinding which has probably been going on years in July 2019 just before my tinnitus started. It fluctuates and moves from ear to ear sometimes, but luckily has been stable since onset. I am more or less used to it but it remains an annoyance. I went thru a whole battery of diagnostic tests for my tinnitus which including a TMJ consultation with a neuromuscular dentist and a chiropractic exam; both of which confirmed I had TMJ and obvious misalignment in my lower jaw, neck, and shoulders. Oddly enough all my conventional medical doctors were unable to pick up on this. Wearing or not wearing the night guard I have for clenching and grinding has made no difference with my T. I get my orthotic splints for TMJ in a couple weeks, have started seeing a chiropractor, and have been getting acupuncture. I will start seeing a physical therapist pretty soon here as well. I am reducing everything I can to treat the mechanical/musculoskeletal causes of my tinnitus, and I am hopeful it will resolve in the future.

Glad to hear you are doing better and I hope your tinnitus continues to improve in the future.

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