Alot of people have big fluctuations in their Tinnitus, I have never had those ... most of my experience is that it is constantly loud with some very loud days that even traffic in a city or loud music can`t cover it up... sometimes noise makes it more apparent, wich I always find wierd. I only had 1 day int he last 4 years that I woke up in blissfull silence ... god that was a good one ... But just now I noticed it is pretty quiet. I`m in a quiet room, and barely hear it, even when I block my ears with my fingers it doesn`t get loud. There is offcourse something, but it is so much on the background and more of a distant hiss than anything ...
Only thing I did differently is not eat bread ... I had pasta though, so ... who can tell the what rules this mistery, I don`t know ... but apparently something affects it ... and that is a good sign!
Love from one of your own kind
Only thing I did differently is not eat bread ... I had pasta though, so ... who can tell the what rules this mistery, I don`t know ... but apparently something affects it ... and that is a good sign!
Love from one of your own kind
